Chapter 42

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Lauren's POV

I was afraid that she would end up coming out of my arms, so I took her up to lay her head on my shoulder, wrapped an arm around her waist and with the other hand stroked her hair.

I closed my eyes, inhaling the sweet scent of her skin, without any delay Camila snuggled into my body and for the first time in a long time I felt that things started to make sense again. That I found my place again. I brushed my lips in her hair, it was inevitable not to touch her.

"Are you asleep?" I whispered, removing some hair from his face.

"And if I had been you would have lifted me up just to ask me?" she said, in a mocking tone, I smiled.

"Tell me about your work" I wanted to keep her closer to me longer.

"I give lectures" she said

"About what?" I asked


An involuntary smile appeared on my lips.

"I'm telling you from experience that you know how to deal with it better than anyone else" I ran my hand down her arm, up and down successively "do you only work to prevent them or help those who consume them?"

"There aren't many that I help, because it's something to do by myself" she sighed  "whenever someone is cured to support another and so I go."

"And you work for a free clinic or something private?"

"Free" she said and I nodded "I created it, at first it was small, but then it received worldwide recognition."

"I hope those people realize the angel you are..." I continued stroking rr hair.

"You never thought about writing a book with your story?" she asked

"I don't think my story is worthy of one."

"Lauren, in these years that I am fighting for this cause I have better understood the universe that surrounds the drugs and sincerely you are a true warrior..." I listened to her carefully "it's difficult to recover, you need a lot of courage, a lot of strength."

"Camila, today I would be spending every penny of my money with that vice if you had not appeared. The merit is not mine... it's yours." I said

Camila's POV

I didn't stay for a long time without reacting to her comment because then my cell phone started ringing. I took my body forward until I was sitting and ran for my cell phone that was in the pocket of the coat I had left hanging in a chair.

"Hello?" I practically screamed, breathless.

"Did I call at a bad time?" the malicious voice said on the other side

"I only ran to answer you. What happened?" I asked, already alarmed.

"Oh, my beauty, nothing has happened" I was relieved "I just wanted to know if you were okay"

"I am. And the things over there how are they going?"

"All very good, exactly as you left it" he said and I picked up a chair and sat down, leaning my elbow on the table and my head in my hand.

"And how is it there? Many cows? A lot of grass?" he laughed

"It is a very quiet place."

"And the women? The men? Are there only assistants and pharmacists?"

"You think I didn't pay attention."

"Camila, don't play with your luck, right you are beautiful, then your breasts will reach your navel and I want to see who is going to throw you dogs" I laughed loudly at his comment

"I'll write it down on the list: I watched Lauren move on the couch. I sighed with the girl I now have in front "so only that?"

"Are you telling me that I am making you bored? It's very ungrateful. Don't call me, I'll call you." and ended the call making me laugh.

The weather was strange after I finished the call, for the first time I felt like I didn't know Lauren and we were two strangers living in the same house.

I wiped my throat, she looked up, tracing my face. For a second I felt naked in front of her. I wanted to decipher her gaze, to know exactly what she was thinking, or what she was feeling.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now