Chapter 22

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Camila's POV

I saw the food on the savanna and I started to laugh. Lauren raised one of her eyebrows and made a typical "we've already lost her" expression.

"I'm sorry..." I said and brought my hands to my lips, to contain the laughter "it's just that..." I breathed deeply, trying to contain myself "you stopped with the kiss a while ago because you wanted to come and eat and then we went back to where we were and... I bit my lips "you know" I smiled "in synthesis, nothing changed."

"It's clear that something changed" she affirmed "when we made love" she has a facility to talk about that  "ow you are mine." she smiled "if we had done it before, you still wouldn't have been."

"And what is the difference? I mean, you always knew that my heart was already yours."

"My love, you are my first love. That changes everything, because it's the first time I've joined someone in every way possible..."

"How can I not love you?" I asked, touched by what she said.

"I return the question.." she answered "do you now?"

"No, Mrs. Jauregui, I am completely in love with you."

"Okay, Mrs. Cabello, because I am too with you" I smiled and took her in my arms, finally, we began to eat.

"Aren't you cold?"

"Hm, maybe... but if you stay like this with me, I'll stay still" she said and hugged me a little harder, making me laugh.

"Aye how nice" I teased, putting my hands over hers "you know, I think it was worth waiting all this time to have you completely..." I referred to my frustrated attempts to make love with her in my house.

"How much truth is there in that phrase?"

"Very little"I played with her, we laughed "No, I'm serious, it was magical to be like this with you today. Our first time together after so long..."

"You were the one who wanted yo hurry" she said touching my nose "I told you it was just a matter of calmness and right on time"

"But you're very pretty..."  I said, without wanting to.

"What did you say?" she asked

"What you listened"

"Repeat it" she asked, crossing our gazes.

"I said you are very pretty I can't control when I have you near." I said...

"You're cute" she said and kissed my lips.

When we finished eating we climbed to a huge stone that was there and we were hugged, seeing the immense sky full of stars that were on us.

"We'll choose a star to see. What do you say?" I said

"To see it now?" she asked

"No silly..." I pressed her cheeks "to it when you return to Miami because we can connect with each other, even being far."

"Isn't it easier to use the phone to connect?" she laughed and, I gave her a light tap on the arm.

"Insensitive." I said.

"I'm kidding, I'm stressed too you know" she began to laugh "what star?"

"Are those three stars, one next to the other?" she nodded "let's always see the one in the middle. The one on the left will be the United States" I said "and the one on the right is Mexico" I looked at her again, to see if she was paying attention "and we will always find ourselves between two countries"

"I love that way of yours, you know?" she said and kissed my cheek and hugged me harder.

I don"t know exactly how long we stayed there, feeling the company of each other,
I only know that we left when dawn began.

When I got home, I found some suitcases in the room, I suspected Sofi's arrival. She wanted to present it to Lauren as soon as possible, but she knew that at this time she must be sleeping.

"MILA!!!" she ran down, throwing herself in my arms

"I missed you a lot" I said and kissed her cheek "What did you do during the holidays? and why are you awake so early?"

"I played a lot. And I'm watching the cartoons" she answered

"Sofi look, she's Lauren, she is very excited to meet you" I introduce them

"Hello Lauren, you're very cute" Lauren smiled even without understanding what the little girl said "do you want to see the cartoons with me?"

"She said you're very cute" Lauren smiled again, now understanding and asked if you want to see the cartoons with her."

"Tell her that now I can say that I'm in love with the whole family..." she ran her hand through Sofi's hair "and we're going to see a lot of cartoons"

We stayed in the room playing and watching television. Lauren and Sofi played everything, at times Lauren was younger than Sofi, which surprised me a little.

When everyone at home was waking up, we decided to tell Sofi a story so that she would fall asleep and we would go to sleep as well.

It doesn't seem like two months ago that Lauren is here, the days are flying by and we're already in June, a few days from her birthday. Everyone here has become accustomed to his presence, and, happily, they have received it in the best way.

"What do you want for your birthday?"
I asked, leaning on her arms on the couch.

"Hmm, nothing" she looked at me, smiling
"I already have everything I want here" she pressed my nose.

"Stop that" I said and closed my eyes "I'm serious"

"Me too"

And that's how she avoided that and all the attempts to talk about it. So I ended up deciding to act myself. I left her with Rob and his boyfriend, who by the way speaks fluent English and became a friend of Lauren's since the day of the waterfall, and I went out with Marielle to prepare some things.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now