Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

I felt shy under Lauren's eyes watching me, and it was complicated enough to balance myself in those shoes without being embarrassed and red.

She stretched out her hand and
took me to meet her body, hugging me.

"You're wonderful" Lauren whispered in my ear.

"Thank you.." I smiled, distancing myself and carrying a bit of my hair behind my ear "you're perfect"

"I also want to be praised" Marielle said

"Oh my love" I went to her, hugging her sideways "You are powerful tonight. I've always told you that you're devastating when you're wearing curly hair."

"Thanks" she smiled, and pulled her hair back "now we can go."

My dad was going to leave us, but he told us to come back on our own. I kissed him before going down. When we entered the lights blinded me a moment, Lauren knows me well enough to realize that. Or noticed that she was flushing more than usual.

She held my hand, guiding me in the middle of the crowd, mentally grateful for the fact that she does not understand what they say, because I understood very well the malicious comments directed at her. Impossible not to see me here. I frowned a little.

"Where's Mari?" I asked, practically screaming. two

"I don't know, she disappeared" she answered, I looked back, looking for her, but I did not worry much, she practically knows everyone here.

We went to the bar, Lauren put her arms around my body, hugging me from behind.

"The people here are very animated" she commented, with her lips close to my ear

"Let's say they like dancing a lot" I said

"I see" she said and eleased a small laugh "look at that guy, it seems that they put a bug in his pants, as long as he moves" she said and I nodded "it's bad thing is that I don't even understand the music"

"Just let yourself be carried away by the rhythm" I smiled, leaning better on her. "What did you usually do when you went to parties?"

"Hm, do you want the truth?" she said

"Nah I don't" I said and she began to laugh. "Let's change the question" I though a moment "do you dance?"

"hm ... no. Or not much" she shrugged. "Probably after being outside of me, yes, it's confusing"

I nodded and brushed her lips in my hair, giving me a kiss. After a while my foot hit the ground, to the rhythm of the song that sounded. Lauren noticed

"Do you want to dance?" she asked

"I thought you would never ask me to" I said and took her hand, smiling.

Lauren's POV

The first songs were moved, Camila knew them and chanted them at all times, while moving in a provocative way. My eyes traveled his body and I felt a chill go through everything.

"My love, move..." she whispered close to my ear. Then she lowered her hands to my waist "follow my lead" she said and closed her body to mine, moving according to the sound. I lowered my hands down her back, slowly, feeling her accentuated curves and the heat that emanated from her skin. Brown eyes gleamed against the lights of the dance floor "you're good" she said, letting go of my waist and now clasping her hands around my neck.

With the bodies together, the dance was more provocative, I took my lips up to her neck and sucked, while trying to follow.
My lips explored every part of her skin, drawing her closer and closer to me, feeling her perfume intoxicate me.

Until the music changed radically, the place darkened and the music was now slow. Camila smiled and hugged me, resting her face on my shoulder, I interlocked my hands on her waist, to accompany her.
She brushed her lips on my neck, I smiled, running my nose through her hair, as we danced.

"Don't sleep..." I whispered, joking.
She nodded, still and hugging me harder, as if she wanted to keep me there "what happened?" I asked, tenderly

"Nothing" she answered, very quickly, I moved away from her and I looked back, looking for what made her so protective.
It didn't take me long to see.

Camila's POV

Her yes focused on the already upset boy, who clearly used some kind of chemical.
I bit my lips, when I realized that her body tensed. I turned around, staying in front of her and holding her face in my hands.

"You don't need more of that anymore" I said convinced, seeing her fixed "relax my love..."

She continued without any expression, her gaze focused behind me, as if she were far away from there. In another reality.

"Do you want to get out of here?' I asked, with a peace in my voice, however my despair was obvious.

She blinked several times, as if she were returning to herself. Then she looked at me and shook her head.

"I scared you?" she asked, placing her hands over mine and I nodded "I'm sorry, I just..." she got tangled up a little "...I was thinking" I remained silent "thinking of me" she finished, her voice full of sadness, my heart squeezed "on how I was and the direction my life was taking. I did a lot of damage for a long time" she said and looked down, clearly upset.

"Now when I see someone doing the same thing that I did one day I feel bad, because I know the path that these people are taking..." she sighed "and unfortunately not all will have the luck that I had..." she looked at me again "not everyone will have a Camila in their lives."

Heeelloo people how are ya?
It's been 5 days since I last updated this story huh.. enjoy! :)

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