Chapter 35

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Lauren's POV

"Hello" I said, wondering if my voice had turned out very differently.

"Hi" she answered without much grace, passing her hands in her jeans, while he body slowly wobbled from one side to another "apologize for having interrupted your bath time"

"It doesn't matter, you just went there with a lamp ready to be broken in someone's head, it happens all the time"
I teased, to try to calm the weather.

I think I saw a smile. Shy... faint...

"Hm... later I have to buy a new one for Taylor" she said more to herself. A mental note "wnd, was she the one who told you to come here?"

"No, I asked Drew's house" she said

He lent me the place in case he wanted to inspire me. Since I have memory this city has always been my great ally at the time of writing, there is a very strong essence floating around it, something that goes beyond my understanding, it is always easier to write my books and some songs here than in any other place in the world.

"You think they... hm ... they wanted..." she sighed, giving up.

"No I don't think so" not Drew or Taylor tried to get us together before, they wouldn't do it after five years..

"I think it was a misunderstanding"
I took a step towards the front
"Taylor lent you the house, right?" she nodded. "Drew lent it to me. I doubt they talked, at least Drew doesn't know you're here, just as my sister doesn't know about me."

"How did you get the key? If I took it from your mother's house yesterday...:

"Oh ... I have a key to this house years ago. I think I came here more times than the owners themselves."

"Then I I'll look for a booth" she said

"Why?" I shook my head "there's enough space here for both of us. Stay at least one day and you will be delighted with the wonders of this place..."

"I think you're right"she sat down again "I'm not a fan of booths" she pursed her nose.

Camila's POV

Oh no... don't smile like that... her smile manages to do bad things with my heart.

She took a seat too, though she left a large space between us two, and remained silent, looking forward. I'm not sure if I'm really seeing something.

I risked a look to her face, dear, the crazy desire to raise my hand, hold it steady on her chin and trace the contour of her lips almost won.

Her hair seemed softer than I remembered, perfect for a woman to run her fingers through...

Her green eyes fixed on my face and I colored at the exact moment she discovered me observing her.

"Hm.. you're different" I said

"I think we both are" she answered and I found it well that she didn't comment on analyzing it recently.

"Well, five years isn't five days" I comment without much grace, I know. It's okay, Camila, shut up...

"Yes, I don't think so." she smiled.

"Are you writing a book?" I asked not want her to stop talking.

"Yes, the truth is I do" she looked at her fingers for a moment "I'm almost finishing it" she looked to see me.

"That's good..." Well Camila, you can say something better than that "is it a comedy?" she let out a laugh.

"No, or at least it wasn't going to be. It's romance..." she said

"Oh..."  I said and we went back to silence. I needed to remain attentive, monitoring myself, not to return my gaze to Lauren.

The situation was so strange, we lived many things together and now we can't even have a conversation.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now