Chapter 62

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Camila's POV

I didn't have to have my eyes open to know-and guess-what Lauren would do next.

A little ice cream was deposited strategically on my breasts, making me tremble completely. I gasped at the feel of her warm, soft tongue, boldly cleaning the entire cream, and I automatically bringing my hands to her hair, trembling, needing to press something.

And besides everything, I still had to endure the fact of only seeing the darkness, following her request to keep my eyes closed.

I was so ecstatic with the caresses that I didn't realize that my chest was completely naked. I discovered it when I felt a strong electric current pass through me feeling the cold feeling around my nipples...

Then the ice cream mixed with the warmth of her mouth, maked me run my fingers even more into her hair.

Fucking hell, how I love it when she touches me...

The intense pleasure makes me forget even my name. I bit my lips to contain a high moan of satisfaction, since Lauren is not making any noise.

Her next goal was my stomach.

She savored every part of it, making me arch in the bed. Her hands went down my back, where, in a short time, her lips traced a dangerous line of fire.

Delayed in the contour of my legs, each time I craved more and more contact, I wanted to tighten the sheets with force to feel the ice cream be placed directly at Only with that act I could falter in her arms.

Her warm breath blew against my intimacy, causing it to contract involuntarily, her tongue traveled the entire length already completely wet, my body arched restlessly on the bed, feeling the good feeling of her lips in direct contact with the most sensitive part of my skin.

When my body finally exploded, no longer supporting her touch, she returned to my lips and sealed them.

"The ice cream wasn't necessary to know how sweet you are" she whispered
"Camila, you can open your eyes now"

I did it, slowly, breathlessly, Lauren saw me as if I were the most precious piece in the universe. At the same time in which in her eyes there was an almost wild glow.

"I think I need a bath..." I whispered
"I'm completely enmeshed" she smiled and he nodded. I noticed that she hadn't understood my words
"Lauren, wanna accompany me?"

Lauren's POV

The smile that formed on my lips was inevitable, when she was going to take her first steps I lifted her in my arms, feeling her skin still warm from my touch rubbing against my body.

I brushed my lips down her cheek before she lightly ber my neck. I pushed open the bathroom door, and let go, then felt her delicate, soft mouth against mine.

Our lips were voracious, insatiable, at the same time that the caress that she sometimes made on my face made the climate even more exciting.

I climbed up and put my hands down her bare back, feeling her provocatively bite my lips as I tried to unbutton my bra.

Her body crashed into the sink, I rested my arms on either side of her, assuring her, not because I thought she would flee, obviously.

I interrupted the kiss to allow her, finally, to throw away my bra. Her eyes met mine, intense, making me gasp. It would be a lie to say that I am not completely excited right now, that happened since I began to kiss her body, to feel her reactions, as she always received every little detail.

I loved her so much that it hurts.

Not long after I was with my skin completely naked next to hers, with my lips playing on her neck I went into the shower with her, opening the key and leaving the hot water to wet our bodies.

The majestic hair of Camila was molded in her body, leaving her incredibly beautiful. I quickly put my hands down her body and pressed hard on her thigh, pulling her closer to me, I put my fingers in her pussy feeling the pleasure, carefully, feeling the delicious sensation of having it completely.

We moved in synchrony, the pleasure came in a few seconds, Camila whispered incomprehensible words, while, occasionally, biting my shoulders to contain their moans, the same that escaped involuntarily through my lips.

I could spend the rest of my life like that with her, loving her...

Hypnotized by her gestures -all of them- even the simplest. However, the eruption of feelings that occurred made our bodies tremble and our legs wobble...

I hugged her tightly so she wouldn't fall.

When I was able to concentrate on her face, I felt the need to tell her how in love I am with her. I controlled myself, even knowing that my eyes gave me in any way.

She ran her hands through my wet hair and smiled, meekly.

"So fucking sexy..." she whispered, in the middle of a laugh.

"So fucking beautiful..." I answered, provoking, she brought her head back, laughing.

"I think I finished with your bathroom" I bit my lips, a smile on my face

After that now we took a bath.

Between various caresses and delicate kisses that were inevitable.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now