Chapter 13

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Camila's POV

While I was counting, I was recreating the scenes in my head, sometimes I felt the urge to laugh, but I held on.

"And I never went over you?" she asked, listening to everything that counted.

I dom't know if she wants to dig up those stories now, but she has the right to know how she acted.

"You didn't The days when you wanted to do it with someone you did in the club or wherever you went. Those times you did not need me or my terrible coffee..."

"And there was a night when you saw me, right?" she asked

"I almost always saw" I saw her face, to capture the expression she was having.
"I swore that I would never let you touch me again" I smiled, looking down "but, look how good I am with the oaths..." I looked back to see her "look where we are now" I smiled

"And why didn't you send to hell at once?
I would have done it being you."

"I think I always had a weakness for green-eyed girls" I said and smiled "and you played dirty. First you took me to a flower field, then you came speaking in Spanish..."

"And after?" she aksed and I sighed, before answering.

"Afterwards I fell in love."

She saw me in silence, giving me some time to think, while I waited for her to continue.

"and when I fell in love it was hard not to forgive. Because no matter what you did, I didn't have the strength to be away from you..." I said and she smiled and held my hand, a few moments. "I think I had already lost my pride and all that..."

"You believed in me..." she finished talking "why?"

"That's exactly what I don't know" I said sincerely "I think I really wanted you to come out of drugs and I could only hold on to the hope that this would happen soon" I shrugged my shoulders "or maybe I lived in a world of dreams, where before the book ended, everyone was happy forever..."

"You know..." she said and I looked at her "I learned that the stars really make the wishes" she smiled "That night I wanted everything to be the same as before. And today I have my sister as my best friend, my parents as my examples, I'm Chris's hero. Again..." Now it was time to smile "and I even received as a gift the most beautiful star, to guide me and pull my ears when things get out of my hands" she lightly shook my hand.

"I think that in the end everything was worth it" she concluded "×e have a good story to tell in the future...and now stop distracting and keep pedaling."

"Yes ma'am" I said

And we continue our way

Lauren's POV

We got off the boat because I was starting to go crazy, Camila insisted on eating ice cream, so we bought it and we sat on a bench near the lake.

"Cn I ask you a question?" I loookeda t her, seeing how the fight she had with the paper that wrapped her ice cream ended, she couldn't open it.

"Tell me" I said

"When did you fall in love with me?" I almost choked  "and don't come to me with the speech that was since you put your eyes on me and blah blah blah" she commanded, making me laugh.

It's difficult to answer that question, because I blocked my feelings a lot, I ran away from them and when I realized I already felt an absurd love. I have been thinking about that for months, at what point everything started.

"I can't tell you when exactly..." I sighed. "they were small acts that ended up coming together little by little until they conquered me..." I smiled. "That day of the stars, you were so dreamy... you slept in my arms, quiet, collected..." I looked at her again, who I was slightly red "it was the first time I lowered the guard for someone to close to me" I bit my lip "there's also the time you wound up in the story I was telling Chris and when we went to sleep you kissed my cheek and ran away..." Camila smiled "I admit that I felt a tenderness at that moment. You also left me crazy with worry when Keaton hurt you." I sighed, puckering my face for the memories "and from that to know that I was in love, it was a jump, especially after..." I turned my face, returning to see her "after kissing you" I made the outline of her lips with my finger "I admit that I ran away, I tried to go out with other girls, but it didn't help, I couldn't get you out of my head..."

Camila's POV

I finished my ice cream and dropped the toothpick in the trash can, Lauren did the same, then I fixed my eyes on her again.

"I didn't like it when you went out with other girls..." I said with a sad tone in my voice, she smiled and came a little closer, touching my chin.

"And why didn't you never tell me?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Because then you would have sent me far away..." I murmured.

"I don't know, but I think that would have been unlikely..." she held my face "at the time you began to feel jealous, I was completely in your hands" I kissed her hand that touched me

"The important thing is that we are here today, together." I said and smiled

Lauren nodded and sealed our lips a brief moment, enough for several memories to return, all linked to the time I spent in Miami.

With her.

We returned home a few minutes later, with our fingers intertwined, I saw the girl next to me and it was hard to believe how things have changed, in the exchange the idea that something like this would happen one day seemed impossible.

"We could adopt the lake turtle..." she said, while we were in the elevator.

"Are you talking seriously?"

"Sure. She can be our turtle, we just give her a name and that's it..."

"Desiré" I said

"What?" she looked at me, confused.

"The turtle's name, Desiré. Our turtle"

"Okay" she smiled, taking me to her arms stealing a kiss before entering.

Some days passed, I didn't know where else to take Lauren, even on the tourist bus I went with her, so she would know the whole city soon. Marielle tried to help me, inviting us to her house or the den, she accepted willingly, but even that didn't stop her curiosity to know every corner of the place.

It was almost eleven, I thanked God for that, I have all night to think what to do next day. I slept with Lauren on the sofa, everyone had already gone to sleep, we were just the two of us. S

he was concentrating on a newscast, which I managed to put into English -it's a wonder what you can do with a remote control and a quality television- so I didn't even tweak.

I placed a small kiss on her neck, since I was behind her, Lauren smiled, but that was not the attention she wanted, so I brushed my lips on her ear and bit her lobe, feeling her tremble. I went to her cheek, giving her several kisses in a row.

"How many opportunities do wehave to see the program?" her voice didn't come out louder than a whisper.

"Hm, zero.."

She smiled and turned to me, dropping control to the floor as she did so.

Before Lauren commented something I joined my lips against hers, who brought her hand to my waist, caressing it.

"I love you..." she whispered, not moving away.

"I love you too." I answered, as I bit her lower lip and snuggled into her arms, where I spent the night.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now