Chapter 87

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Lauren's POV

The phone rang insistently as I ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to accommodate my rebellious state. I complained and took the small and irritating device that was on the bed.

"Drew, you don't need to call me every five minutes. I already told you I'm going to that party."

"I understand if you regret at the last minute. Also, I know how fragile you are."

"Please, that idea of ​​being a dad is making you worry more than usual.Keep that for when your son is born."

"You should be grateful for having a friend like me. You know how furious your sister gets with my exits..."

"Whatever.." I murmured.

"Are you ready?" I took the perfume that was on the counter and put a little on my neck.


"Then come down, I'm tired of being here for almost an hour waiting."

I put the phone in my pocket, took my bag and the keys.

"Hey pretty?" he greeted me when I got into the car. I hit him on the shoulder.

It was already past eleven when he parked in the street of a club. As always full, we didn't get a place nearby. I sighed, a while ago that I do not go to parties and since what happened with Camila I have been avoiding all my friends, for the simple fact of not having encouragement at all.

I forced a smile, while we met a large group of acquaintances.

"Did you decide to leave the cocoon today?" one of them asked me, I laughed, opting not to answer him directly "hm... I forgot how boring it is to go out with you."

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"All and anyone at the party is interested in you first..." he indicated something with his head. I turned discreetly to see, finding a dark look on my body.

What I was missing

Unable to avoid it, I sought refuge in alcohol so, at least that night, I could ignore the problems and only enjoy.

I stumbled to the bar, looking for one more round of drink, my head was spinning, but the feeling was good. I felt free.

Without looking to the side I guessed that a man leaned back to the counter, watching me. I took my glass and turned to see it. The dark eyes that stared at me when I arrived had the same intensity, an almost fierce glow, as if I was eating with the thought.

I tried to move, however he didn't let me.

"Where are you going so fast, beautiful?" he asked, his voice soft and full of malice, while his hand played with the sleeve of my blouse. I sighed.

I felt my tongue curled so I refused to speak, although my thoughts were rational. He took his body to the front, sticking his lips to my ear "Give me your number, or call me.." he ran his hand down my legs and took me by the waist, squeezing something in my hand and walked away laughing.

I arched an eyebrow and saw the card of a law firm. Down with the cell phone and the name Edward. I returned to the table, refusing to get up after what happened.

I returned the body with the drink, feeling it burn my throat, everyone around me were already beside themselves, talking louder and laughing at any stupidity.

It hadn't even been half an hour since I received the guy's phone number when a woman sat next to me, since the table was completely empty.

"Hello" she smiled, in a more controlled way "I was watching you and ... well, I could not help but notice that you have a lost look" I looked at her again "donxt you like parties?" I made signs of more or less "hm...and you are mute?" she asked, with good humor. I let a laugh escape my lips.

"No, I'm very sorry, but today I'm not a good company."

"Oh, look how good, I'm not either..." I smiled "I think we can join forces to hold each other and try to make the night a little fun" she extended her hand to me. "My name is Ana."

"Lauren..." I squeezed.

Deciding the course of my night.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now