Chapter 46

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Lauren's POV

"Taylor, it's three in the morning" I groaned

"Really? Shit, according to my calculations it should be eight o'clock at night. I still haven't learn this about the schedule change..."

"Did you call for a special reason?" I interrupted her monologue.

"Yes and no" I took a seat, sensing that this conversation is going far "how are things out there?"

"All good. A storm came today, but everything is in order in the house."

"And why didn't I call the house? Is Camila  okay?"

I can't remember when it was the last time I talked about Camila with my sister.

"Well she is... I hope so." I bit my lip

"Tell me everything."

I sighed heavily. Since Taylor began her profession she doesn't miss anything unnoticed. In a few words I informed her of what has just happened.

"I was sure that you two under the same roof wouldn't be able to..." I could clearly see her shake her head, denying
"Lauren, if you are aware of the risks you are running, right? I can't see your movements, so I'd appreciate you answering me with words."

"What risks, Taylor?" I asked, just to see if they were the ones I was weighing.

"Both getting hurt. Don't treat Camila as if she were the naive girl of a few years ago. I love her, yes, she's the best friend I've ever had in my life, but you've grown up. This night could have been all or nothing."

I know she's right and that kills me. I put a lot of importance on what she reminded me, the way in which everything ended a few years ago. I really have no idea if what happened meant something to Camila. I ended the call fighting hard to contain the tears.

Camila's POV

I recognized the burning in my eyes as soon as I opened them the next morning, the result of the dream that invaded me.

I yawned and waited for myself to get used to the clarity. The traces of the previous night were strong and penetrating, however, the space next to me was incomplete. I didn't find Lauren.

I wobbled up and took the clothes on the floor. Ridiculously I ran to my room, trying not to let her see me naked. As if she hadn't seen me last night. After duly dressed and bathed, I went down with the naive hope of finding Lauren preparing breakfast.

I caught seeing her sleeping with only her underwear on the couch. I felt like a complete idiot for having expected to see her with me like the nights we spent when we were a couple.

Clearly what happened yesterday was just for fun. I've been through something like this before, with other men and women...

I woke up and I was alone. I felt happy like that. But with her it's different, it's obvious that it is, because one day I was everything in her life and now I didn't become one more.

I wasn't going to be disillusioned, much less, so later, when she passed through the kitchen door, I greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning!" she rubbed the back of her neck, without much grace.

"Hello" I kept smiling at him trying not to see her in the eyes "do you want to have breakfast?"

I tried to maintain naturalness for the rest of the day, but I can't deny the tightness in my chest every time I remembered the night before and then to her sleeping alone in another place.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now