Chapter 49

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Camila's POV

I sat alone in bed, the room was already dark, but my eyes got used to it soon.
The rain was falling hard, just as Lauren predicted. I saw the wall clock, it was past midnight. Sleep didn't come in any way, I felt very energetic.

I lay down to try to sleep, but the mattress seemed more than big, very empty. That led me to think about Lauren who was in the next room. The way she treated me early was tender, she stayed with me until the last tear fell and filled me with words of encouragement.

Although on the other hand I was confused... her reaction last night wasn't the best, I don't understand why she decided to go to sleep on the couch and I think it was wrong to ask for an answer.

When I was in her arms I felt so many emotions. A happiness that didn't fit in me, inner peace, protection Hell, I looked at her eyes and I felt that my whole body floated, she touched me and I reached maximum delirium. It's impossible not to hurt myself by thinking that for her I was just an attraction.

I got up, moved by the impulse, I needed to see her now. I went carefully to her room, the windows were closed and the air conditioning to the maximum maintaining the freezing temperature that explained the fact that she was covered to the ears.

She slept peacefully, I had to hold back a sigh to see her. She was so cute sleeping, lips slightly open, the strong strokes, her hair covering the pillow. I wanted to hug her and fill her with kisses.

I didn't have to be very expert to know that there was a special glow in my eyes, a tenderness that only appears when I see her. My heart was beating, I wanted to feel it. I put my face to her and brushed my nose on her cheek, like a small caress.

She moved slowly.

I froze where I was begging to go back to sleep. The only problem is that they never listen to my pleas.

Her eyes opened, she focused on my sleepy face, causing a mess in my stomach. Fucking hell, why is she so cute? A smile came to the side of her lips as soon as I was ready to apologize for waking her up.

"Hello, beautiful" she said with a bit of difficulty in her voice "do you need something?"

I felt so much love for her at that moment. I woke her up. She clearly died of sleep. And still he cared about me.

" everything's alright" I smiled
"I.. I was just checking" I got up and walked quickly to the door, crazy to run away from there.

"Oh woman..." she said

I got stuck. Jauregui, that's playing dirty.

I bit my lips and slowly turned to her. Looking for her eyes When I found them I felt my whole body tremble and my legs wobble

Lauren's POV

"Do you want to sleep here with me?" I invited her. My eyes weren't going to stand long open, no matter how hard I tried.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" I didn't understand her horror.

"Yes" I nodded smiling and taking a glass of water beside the bed.

"Lauren..." I turned my body, to be able to see her "can you hold me?"

My heart contracted, I brought her close, fitting her over my body, her small hands were fixed on my chest, I hugged her carefully and kissed her hair. Involuntarily a smile appeared on my lips and the feeling of well-being took hold of me.

In a matter of seconds she fell asleep.

Camila's POV

When the day began I was afraid to open my eyes and find myself alone, but then I felt an extra weight on my body, I quickly identified it as his arm. Lauren slept, a heavy sleep, I ran my fingers through her hair and brushed my nose on her neck, feeling the pleasant aroma of her perfume.

I was scared when I turned on my back and almost fell off the mattress, my hands were over my head, trapped by the strong arms of Lauren who laughed at my face of fright. She lowered her face and brushed her nose over mine, in a gentle caress. Her soft lips rested on my mouth, biting them lightly

"Good morning..." she whispered, running her teeth over my lips.

"You were awake all this time, cheater" she stopped me posing a delicate kiss on my mouth.

"Maybe, your caress was too good to ruin me by opening my eyes. But I couldn't stand it when you touched my neck..."
I denied, Lauren related everything so naturally that made my heart accelerate when, for the first time since I arrived, I saw in it the traces of years ago, recognizing it

"Did I scared you?" her wet lips brushed against my neck, making it difficult for me to react.

"No you didn't..." I heard in the middle of a sigh. I closed my eyes when I felt her capture my skin, I held her hair, pressing the back of her neck in order to bring her closer to me

"Lauren..." an involuntary moan escaped as she moved over my body.

Camila's POV

"Tell me you love me Camila..." she beged and focused her eyes on mine. I swallowed dry, keeping quiet.. she continued with the firm voice and her hard eyes against mine "because I still love you so much that it fucking hurts..." she whispered, biting my cheek.

I had nothing to lose when I searched her gaze and affirmed...

"I love you with all my strength."

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now