Chapter 53

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Lauren's POV

I sat in the living room listening patiently to Drew's late apologies for not knowing that Camila would also arrive at the house just like me.

"Hey everything alright" I interrupted him, already without enduring all the talk.

"Do you manage to concentrate on your book? What's more, there are some beautiful places out there that could inspire you..."

"The truth is that I still haven't left the house.."

"Why? Didn't you ask for the house just for that? To inspire you with the landscape?" he asked confused

"I don't know ... but there is something that tells me that my inspiration is right here..." I unprepared Camila, who had fastened her hair in a badly made bun and was moving the pan.

"It's her, isn't it?" He didn't need names, Drew knows.

"Yes... it's always been her" I sighed.
"Have you ever felt as if your entire existence depended only on one person? A blow to see someone and feel an explosion of emotions go through you?"  I placed the phone between the shoulder and the ear
"as if the feeling, the truth, wasn't dead as you thought and was only asleep?"

"You still love her..." he knew that the one spoken of "now each one is going to continue their way, it was good while it lasted, but now it will only be a page that has to be turned around" he said, exactly what I said to him when Camila and I finished it was just that, spoken

"Have I sent you to hell today?" I asked laughing.

"Jauregui, I have a doctorate in you. I know you perfectly." he said laughing too

Camila's POV

"Lauren!" I called, finally placing the pancakes on the table.

She went into the kitchen and I couldn't contain a sigh, my eyes will never get used to such beauty. I mentally thanked her for not saying anything, even when a small smile formed on the side of her lips.

"Uuumm, it smells so goood" she praised, taking a seat.

"I also know how to cook."

"I'm impressed" she teased, I hit her with the kitchen towel, making her laugh.

We ate in the most comfortable silence, it's amazing how I manage to feel good by your side in any situation.

"I'm too lazy to accommodate all this" I demanded, getting up reluctantly and taking some plates.

"Do you want me to do it?" she offered herself. I smiled

"I won't leave you alone, then you will tell your sister that I used you as an employee and she won't lend me the house again, but I accept your help anyway."

With the help of Lauren cleaning the table in a short time everything was in order again. I sat exhausted on the sofa in the living room.

"What a time to sleep" she sat next to me, putting her hand over mine

I saw our fingers entwined and a slight smile took hold of my face. There are moments that, although very simple, become special.

This is one of them.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora