Chapter 47

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Camila's POV

I sat on one of the rails in the corridor of the house and I watched the rain that was still falling on the sidewalk of the street. Even though I saw her, I didn't really focus on anything, my thoughts were far away.

I was never the kind of person who cares about being alone or that I'm not uncomfortable with silence, maybe because I have become my only company, during this time I've been in Miami.

But I can't deny that I have already felt lonely on several occasions. A different type of loneliness, alive surrounded by people, people who speak loudly, who fill any environment, but the presence was physical, did not complete me, to replace the emptiness that existed in my heart.

Last night, while I was in Lauren's arms, I felt alive, full. That's why it hit me hard when I woke up and I didn't find her by my side, my unconscious didn"t want to feel so alone again and that hurt.

A small tear ran down my cheek, I struggled to dry it as quickly as possible. I've passed the crying for lack of love phase, but it seems that the meeting with Lauren woke up the little girl in me.

"Are you bored?" her hoarse voice made me jump out of fright "Oh sorry I scared you..." she smiled "I remember how easy it was to commit this feat before."

"Yes, I see that you are very good at that. I got up, taking some of my hair behind my ear "I got bored with so much rain, will it get worse?" I looked to the sky, trying to discover if a storm will fall again.

"It seems that yes" she extended her arm, letting some drops wet her.

I had to restrain myself from sighing when I saw the tight blouse marking the outline of her breasts. I looked down and ended up focusing on the red mark at my chest. I ran my fingers lightly over her, so distracted as to realize that now Lauren's gaze was on my face.

"Is it very bad?" I lifted my gaze and found her face more than close.

She ran her finger over the mark, enough to alert me.

"Not bad enough that the makeup can't hide..." I said

"Although I was burning with shame I wanted to show you that things like that happen all the time.." she said and pulled her hand away as if it had burned.

I was left alone at the railing after my quick conversation with Lauren. The night began to fall and the icy wind to arrive with her, hitting my hair. I heard my cell phone ring in the distance, I ran in and I looked for it in the pocket of my jacket.

"Hello?" I shouted once again when attending.

"Camila, it's Julian" he announced, his voice was quite serious. I froze.

"Did something happened?" I asked

"Listen to me carefully, ok?" I nodded
"I will only tell you what happened here if you promise me that this won't make you come back."

"First speak, then I'll see what do to" I said

"No that's my condition. And don't try to cross your fingers when promising."

"Okay." I said.

"Do you remember Douglas?" He asked and at the same moment, the image of the young man I sponsored and fought with him against drugs came to my head.

"Of course..."

"He is bad, Camila" I swallowed dry "in the hospital, it seems he ingested an overdose  my eyes automatically filled with tears "honestly, I don't know if he will come out of this"

I have a strong attachment to every young person I help at the clinic. The victories are theirs. The losses are mine. As there are few that I personally care for, I became attached to each and every one of them. An almost maternal love. Whose scolds but wants only the good.

"Julián, don't let him die" I implored, as if he could do something "please, do not leave it" the tears fell

"I will do everything in my power, including paying for the best hospital in all of Miami.:

"I need to be next to him, I..." interrupted me.

"You will do nothing. You promised me you wouldn't come. Take advantage of your holidays, I will keep you informed" he said his last word.

I barely ended the call I fell to my knees in the middle of the room, without conditions to get to the sofa.

The crying came strong.

Even if I try to get the warrior out I can't stand the pain for long. In the next second I felt Lauren wrap me with her arms.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now