Chapter 23

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Camila's POV

"Okay so, balloons?" I began to review the list.

"Yes" Marielle said





"Party hats?"


"Pony pink?"

"Ye... hey!" she looked at me "we don't have a pink pony, what are you laughing at?"

"I just wanted to see if you were paying attention to me" I answered, still laughing.

"Ok, now it's just missing the food,the place and the gift."

"But... how many years will she turn? Six?" she scoffed. "Why all this?"

"Mari, you just help me" I said

Lauren's POV

I was already impatient with Camila's delay, I felt uncomfortable between Rob and Gustavo.

"Hey, relax" Gustavo smiled to me "they are going to be delayed."

"Camila said it would be quick."

"Women ... it even seems that you aren't one and you act as if you didn't know them.." he absently held Rob's hand, who saw any magazine "you have a naughty face"

"Me?" I magnified my eyes, seeing him start to laugh "today, at least, I'm not."

"Hm, then you used to be? I know, those eyes of yours must have a devastating effect on people."

"Yes whatever" I smiled, without much grace, rubbing my neck and seeing the clock for the twentieth time.

I breathed a sigh of relief when he spoke again with Rob, something I didn't understand, and that, judging from his face, I'm not sure I want to understand. one

Almost half an hour later Camila appeared with Marielle and some bags.

"Fucking finally" I got up and went to her, helping her with the bags and sealing her lips.

"Hello to you too, love" she said, sitting on the sofa, then I did the same.

"Hey, badly educated" Marielle said and I shook my head lightly, laughing.

"Hello bored girl" I said and she showed me her middle finger.

"When are you leaving?" she asked laughing

Camila's POV

I went up to take a bath and take off the shoes that were killing me. When I returned to the room I found Lauren with Sofi in her lap.

"Hey, have lost my girlfriend then?" I said, while laughing.

The answer came from my cousin, who understood English perfectly.

"I think so" Ana answered smiling "she said she wanted to be in the lap of the princess"

Lauren frowned, frustrated at not understanding what my sister was saying, but smiled at all times.

"Mila, did she came from a very distant city like Fiona from Shrek?" Sofia asked, as I sat next to her "because since yesterday she is speaking weird"

"Yes my love" I answered, laughing "and where is my kiss?"

She launched herself at me, giving me a thunderous kiss on the cheek.

"What are you saying?" Lauren asked

"Nothing" I smiled and spoke again with Sofi "I think someone is jealous, Sofi"
I show with my head Lauren "she also wants a kiss from you."

She smiled a little and left a kiss on Lauren's cheek, coming down from her lap and going to play.

"She really loves you" I commented, feeling Lauren's arm move around my body, approaching her, I laid my head on her shoulder.

"She is very tender. And she came out a lot to you. I want our daughter to be like that."

"Oh, are we going to have a daughter?" I asked

"Sure" she answered convinced, ending our conversation

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now