"I.. I don't feel like it" he shook his head and look away from the tray.

"Jungkook. Eat your food. How are you supposed to keep your muscular build if you don't give your body what it needs to survive and thrive?" I crossed my arms and looked down at him.

I saw his eyes glance at me, but he didn't move his head even a little. With one glance he just sighed and picked up his spoon.

He ate slowly at first. You can tell he really didn't have the motivation to do it. Yet the more he ate the more his body seemed to realize how hungry it was- he ate fasted. He didn't go into full beast mode or anything, just eating slightly faster than his normal pace. When he finished he sipped away at his milk.

I pulled the tray off his lap when he was finished with it all.

"Now get some sleep. In the morning I'll wake you to see if you eant to come down for breakfast" I smiled at him sweetly and caressed his cheek.

He laid back and covered himself in his blanket.

"I don't want to see him"

He refers to Jimin as just "him" now. That started two days ago. He thought that if he doesn't say his name, he won't break down every time he has to think about him.

"I know, but you can't hide forever" I frowned.

His eyes glossed over quickly. He shook his head as he looked me in the eyes.

"I just want to get over him so everything I feel can go away" he let this tear filled eyes go. Tears ran down the side of his face.

"I'm sorry, jungkook-ah. Please don't cry. Just get some sleep ok? You'll be alright in the morning" I smiled sadly at him.

He nodded lazily and wiped his tears away. Sniffing once and trying not to scrunch up his face. Still, when he closed his eyes a single tear ran down his cheek.

I wiped it away for him and moved his hair out of his face.

Wow, i'll be such a wonderful father one day. Props to me- and Taehyung too. I'm sure he's doing a great job with Jimin. Oh I love us. We're perfect humans. Everyone else really just is a step below us. Not several because I think everyone's amazing in some way, but we're amazing in absolutely every way. Tall, handsome, kind, caring, big dicks, funny- perfect. Love us to death, aw.

That happy thought left me quickly though because as I was turning the light off in his room, I glanced at Jungkook again. No more tears had fallen, but there was clear heartbreak written all over him. I might be perfect, but I'm not a higher power- I can't just make him better instantly, although I wish I could.

That boys had a shit life. Yeah, it doesn't excuse his bitch ass behavior, but Jimin really did crack him. He's been caring a lot on his back for an ultimate breakdown for a long time. Yet, falling in love with someone, going through a nasty rough patch, and then their partner moving on to someone else- that was Jungkook's final straw.

I shut the door and turned around to see "him" himself, Park Jimin. I jumped a bit because he was right in front of me. Tears were streaming down his face as he reached out for my arms.

"I didn't mean to hurt him" he cried

I felt bad feeling less sympathy for him. Part of it's because of what Yoongi told me days ago rather than anything Jimin's done. I really shouldn't be upset with him about that, but I guess I'm just more upset that he slept with that jerk.

Yoongi said that he can't feel bad for what him and Jimin did because Jungkooks jaded. He thinks that boys had it all. He thinks Jungkooks just a brat because he's used to being praised and getting everything. And if it was my place to yell that he's wrong, I would've, but it wasn't and still isn't. It's Jungkook's place and he thinks Yoongi can believe whatever he wants because Yoongi doesn't deserve to understand him. And in the end, I think I agree with that choice. It was actually mature of him to think that even though it came from a petty place.

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