Chapter 9

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“So two blonds walk into a building…you’d think at least one of them would have seen it.” I laughed at that one, Jay was actually really funny. “Ow and another one. Here it’s ringing my phone.” He handed me the home phone.

“You going to pick up?” I asked confused as it kept on ringing, and ringing, and ringing…

“Nope.” He said a smile in his voice as he tried to hold back laughter while popping his p.

Then the phone stopped ringing and the answer message came on. “Hey this is Jay. If your trying to reach me leave a message or if you just want marijuana press the hash key now.” This time I burst out laughing. “You know if the police ever check your phone your gona get in trouble right.” I told him still laughing as I hung up.

“Already happened once, and that was because they called the wrong number. It was back when my message was, Hello, you've reached Jay and some random guy.  We can't pick up the phone right now, because we're doing something we really enjoy.  He likes doing it up and down, and I like doing it left to right... real slowly.  So leave a message, and when we're done brushing our teeth we'll get back to you.” He smiled and laughed, “they left a message saying how inappropriate it was and asking me to change it. So I did and they told me to change it again.”

“What the hell did you change it to?” I asked not to sure if I really wanted to know.

He giggled before he started panting heavily, “Hi, you've reached Jay’s phone. Jay is in,” He sighed heavily, “Oh no, he's out,” before an ahh noise was herd, “Yes, he's in again,” this time it was an ooh, “No he's out,” another aah, “Why don't you just leave you’re a message and he'll call you as soon as he... comes.” We were both rolling on the bed laughing our heads off.

“Why are you not a comedian?” I asked him only half joking, the guy was really funny after all.

“Believe it or not I do small show’s at one of the bar’s down town.” He told me laughter still in his voice. “My brother owns the place. He forced me up on stage at fourteen and I haven’t looked back since.”

“That’s just,” I stopped trying to decide what word to use, “Awesome. Which club is it?”

“Night Lights, herd of it?” he asked and I immediately raised an eyebrow.

“Isn’t that a strip club?” I asked.

“Na, at least not all the time. They have different nights. Fridays comedy night, Saturday it’s more of a disco, Sunday it’s a strip club and I have no idea what is the is the rest of the time but during the day it’s a café.” He told me. “Don’t suppose you want to come see my show tomorrow do you?” He asked.

I hummed a bit thinking it over. Sara definitely wouldn’t be happy but… “I want to.” I told him, “But I’d probably have to bring Kyle along if that’s ok.”

“Really!” he asked sounding shocked.

“Yere, but seriously he’s not that bad normally…” I started to say before being cut off.

“No as in your really going to come see, well listen to my show?” he asked in utter disbelief.

“Why not? Your hilarious.” I told him.

“Eeeekkkkk,” the guy squeaked like nothing else. “I’ve never had anyone say yes to coming to see my show before. I mean there’s always loads of people there but no one I’ve ever wanted to see it has ever come before.” The guy hugged me then, squeezing me so much I swear had Sara not come in and called up for me he may well have crushed me to death there and then.

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