Kit teases, "Well, I can see someone is a little excited about this. Can you please act your age and not a little kid? I better not catch you going around to all the other restricted areas and 'testing' the doors out."

Beam snaps, "Ai'Kitty, let him have a little fun. You know that once we start our internships, we will be working hard all the time. Ai'Pha will probably working at both the internship and the hospital management trying to learn how to be a good director. Give him some slack."

I try to ignore their bickering and I can't help but to smile as I look at the screen. It's like I'm getting a whole new toy to play with and I can't wait. Okay, now I'm starting to sound like a kid. I'll try to reel myself in, but I can't guarantee anything. I'm just too excited.

I accidentally let a small giggle escape my mouth as I put my palm on the screen and an automated voice says, "Welcome, Dr. Phana Kongthanin." A loud click echoes through the small hall way as the door unlocks and slowly swings open a little. Oh, that is soooo cool.

I can't help myself as I giggle and bounce through the door into another hallway headed towards some stairs. As we all get through the door, the older doctor takes a second to shut the door behind and another loud click fills the hall way as the door automatically locks behind us.

Once again, I can't control my mind as I'm mentally screaming, "SO COOL!!"

I look at Kit and Beam. It appears that Beam is in awe like I am, while Kit is trying to stay calm and professional. Well, what fun is that to play the grown up? Well, I know that I have to be mature soon but right now, I'm going to enjoy the cool stuff and I'll leave being an adult for another day. Or until I'm face-to-face with Yo's dad which is coming up in just a few minutes.

As we begin to head up the stairs, I ask, "Will we be told where all the restricted areas are? And maybe a map of all the rooms and floors of the hospital?"

The older doctor replies, "I'm not sure exactly what and when they are planning on giving you more information. I would assume soon since you are now married to N'Yo and Mr. Panitchayasawad sees you as one of the owners now. You will have to ask him yourself. I'm just to bring you to his office. Well, technically it is N'Yo's office."

We reach the top of the stairs and a single door is ahead of us. The older doctor motions for us to go in as he turns and heads back the way we came.

Before I have a chance to knock, I hear Yo's dad call out, "Come in, nongs. I'm waiting for you."

I push open the door and we all walk into a very large room with what looks like a full kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and wall full of screens that each has a different surveillance image on it. As I scan the various screens, I quickly see the older doctor that just brought us to here, walking down a hall and back to his area. I'm amazed at all the screens. There must be a screen for every security camera in the hospital and the whole wall is covered in screens. I have never seen anything like this. If Yo is setting up here, he can see exactly what I'm doing no matter where I'm at in the hospital, well, except a few places.

Yo's dad catches me staring at all the screens and chuckles. "Son, what is wrong? Didn't you realize that we have security cameras everywhere?"

I bring myself out of my daze and walk closer to the huge desk in front of me. "No. I know there are security cameras everywhere but actually seeing the screens just makes me realize just how many cameras there are. On another note, why did you need to see us, dad? Something about Mr. Nasty?"

Yo's dad smiles and teases, "Yes and no. You better get comfortable because this may take some time. I promise not to keep you too long, but I need to fill you in on a few things about the hospital, your access and the things that we have put in place here at the hospital to stop Mr. Elliott."

After an hour or more, Yo's dad finally stops talking and gives us permission to leave. I think my head is going to explode. That was a lot of information in a very short period of time. How am I going to remember it all? We did get a file that contains a map of the hospital and a description of what each room is used for. That is going to be very helpful and he had his head of security put the file on our phones. The file is password protected so people can't easily get into it even if they get my phone unlocked. Our phones were something else that Yo's dad wanted us to secure a little better, so his head of security also installed the same software that Yo and him use to secure their phones.

This is just the beginning and I better get ready for more. Yo and his dad didn't get to be one of the most powerful families in Thailand by not taking precautions and securing their secrets. I just need to learn to live with it. It will take some time, but I'll do it for Yo. And to think that the public doesn't even know that Yo is married to me. I can't even image what it is going to be like when that gets out.

Kit, Beam and I make it back to my dorm room and we begin to start studying for the big test tomorrow. We have trouble focusing because of everything that we found out today, but we manage to pull through and get into the groove, if you can have a study groove.


Mr. Elliott (a.k.a. Dr. Robert Hall) POV

Well everything is coming together nicely. I have to fly out today, so I can go look at the apartment for rent while I'm working at WJP Hospital and I need to do some field research on where I want to get the second apartment or house at. I want to hold off on locating the second place until I see exactly what the neighborhoods are like. I need to make sure the area isn't too nosy. If I have a bunch of nosy people trying to pry into my business, I won't be able to hide very well. Those nosy people often have big mouths and spread gossip like crazy.

While I'm there, I'm going to go check on Phana. I want to see if daughter's future boyfriend is doing okay. I also don't want him getting a girlfriend before I have a chance to get him to date my daughter. Then I would have to also chase off the girlfriend while trying to convince Phana to date my daughter. That is just more work for me, but for my baby girl, I'll do it.

Thailand, here I come. I hope you are ready for me.

Posted July 17, 2018

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