Chapter 105

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  Don't worry, this isn't the only chapter on the reception.  The next chapter is also focused on the reception.  

Wayo POV

My dad starts clicking his tongue, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Do you think it is that easy? Sorry to tell you it isn't. If you don't accept the gift tonight, then I will get rid of it. Plus, it isn't something that you just enjoy this weekend. It is something that you will enjoy for many days to come. Do you want it or not?"

UGH!! Why does my dad have to play games with me? Why can't he be like everyone else's father who just say it like it is? No, my dad has to tease and play games and beat around the bush until I'm tired and want to give up. Well, today I don't want to play the games.

I look at Pha and I can tell that my dad has him hooked into his stupid little game. I shrug my shoulder and mouth, "What do you want to do?" Before, I can respond to my dad, Pha blurts out, "Dad, yes, we want the gift."

Well, I hope dad doesn't play anymore games. I have a wedding reception to get back out to and to enjoy.

One of dad's staff members walks over to my dad and hands him a small rectangular gift box. My dad takes the box and turns towards us. He smiles and as he holds out the box, he says, "Here." Pha tentatively reaches out for it and picks it up off my dad's hand.

I see that Pha is as hesitant about it as I am. He slowly opens the lids to box as I'm holding my breath. Knowing my dad, it could be anything. Pha looks a little puzzled as he looks into the box, which has me a little puzzled. What could be in the box? I walk up next to him and look inside. I quickly take the keys out and I see an address written on a piece paper in the bottom of the box.

Pha asks, "What are the keys for?"

My dad smiles and teases, "Isn't there an address in the bottom of the box?"

I'm still confused but I quickly say, "Yes. What is the address for?"

My dad proudly announces, "The keys go to a house at the address in the box. Your house. My wedding present and it is between the university and the hospital and not too far our branch offices."

I'm stunned. I look at Pha and he is stunned, too. I glance over to Pha's parents and they are both speechless. In one simple action, my dad has managed to render all of us speechless.

My dad suddenly chimes, "Oh, I nearly forgot. I have left the files for possible surrogates on the kitchen table, so you have them if and when you decide you want children. I have already filtered through all the candidates and the files that I have left are the best out of the group."

Once again, we are all speechless. I do have to admit that even though my dad teases and toys with me, I wouldn't want anyone else as my dad. In my mind, he is the best dad ever.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I run and jump onto my dad, engulfing him in hug. Pha follows right behind me and encases both me and my dad in a hug. I fight back tears of joy as I choke out, "Dad, you're the greatest."

Pha hums, "I agree."

My dad clears his throat. "Well, if you accept my gift, take the box and you can go there tonight or you can stay at the hotel that Shane booked for you. I have to admit, that the hotel is really nice, and Shane was able to get to a private secure room. I'll leave it up to you. I know you probably don't want to drive all the way back to the house tonight and I won't hold it against you."

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