Chapter 113

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A/N: Here is another chapter. Well, the wedding is done and now on to what you want next, the fight between the nasty director and Pha with his silent and effective army behind him. I hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Elliott (a.k.a. Dr. Robert Hall) POV

Everything is falling into place. I just got the offer letter for the director position at WJP Hospital and I am eagerly waiting to sign it. No, I'm not going to refuse it, but I'm waiting for some information from my private investigator before I sign the offer letter.

My second phone beeps. Oh, hopefully that is some good news. I quickly fish out my second, very secret, phone and I see that I have a new email. I quickly open the email, and yes, the P.I. has found something. I'll print everything off and look at the documents when I get home. This means that I have absolutely everything lined up nicely.

I will get the money from the hospital and I will be able to get Pha to agree to date my daughter. He is good enough that I might just try to get him to marry my baby girl. She would be so pleased if I could get that to happen.

I need to get my escape plan ready too. I don't want to stay too long but I need enough time to get as much money as possible and this is the first time that I've ever tried to get a person to follow me out of the company too. This will take a little different tactic than before, but it should still go easily.

I quickly sign the offer letter and I scan it, so I can send a copy back to the hospital. Oh, WJP Hospital look out here I come.

Knock. Knock.

I quickly close all my WJP Hospital documents and hide them. "Come in."

My administrative assistant slowly opens the door and peeks her head in. "Sir, your 2 o'clock appointment is here. Do you want me to take him to the conference room?"

Yes, the new business deal that I've been working on here at my own company, is coming along nicely. Today, we are going to try and hammer out the final contract agreement. It may take some time, but I think I can talk them into what I want for my company.

I quickly respond, "Please take him to the conference room."

She nods and says, "Yes, sir."

If I can get the other company to agree to my terms, I will be able to increase my revenue in the next year by almost 100%. Oh, this year is looking up for me. I can't wait until I get everything that I want.


Mr. Panitchayasawad (Yo's dad) POV

Yes, I think this is working out nicely. My spy that is within Mr. Elliott's company has kept us up to date on all the possible contract negotiations that Mr. Elliott is considering, and I was very lucky to see that he is trying to get a contract with a company that I'm very familiar with. A very good friend of my is the CEO of the company and he just had a very eye-opening conversation with me yesterday. To say that he was shocked about what I was telling him about Mr. Elliott's company would be an understatement. At one point, I think he was about to fall off his chair from shock. After I told him everything, including the fact that the authorities are watching him, and he has stolen money from various companies. Not to mention, that he has his sights on my hospital in Thailand and that he will be impersonating a well-known doctor was almost too much for him to believe. Of course, he didn't believe me at first but once I showed him some of the evidence that we have, he finally understood gravity of the situation. He is now more than willing to help, and the authorities were in contact with him today. I'm glad I had called him when I did because he has a meeting today with Mr. Elliott to finalize the contract agreement between the companies. Oh, I'm going to tear apart Mr. Elliott's company piece by piece.

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