Chapter 2

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Wayo POV

We all managed to get up and get to the airport in time, which is a surprise because usually I can't wake up in the mornings. However, I woke up as soon as the alarm went off since I was all excited to be traveling with not only my dad but with my best friend and my girlfriend. I have been dating my girlfriend for over a year and I have even asked my dad if he would let me have mom's wedding ring, so I could propose to her. To say that my dad was surprised would be an understatement. He was shocked, and he said that my mom would be very proud to have her wedding ring being used for my future wife. (It one of the few ways that I can still have my mom with us even though she past away 7 years ago.) However, my dad thought that I should wait until we were a little older and recommended to wait until Rhonda graduated or was in her last year of college. I really didn't want to agree but I finally conceded to his suggestion with the condition that he bring mom's wedding ring with us to Thailand (just in case, I can't wait for another three years).

Since we can't move into the dorms for another week, my dad's staff take our luggage and drive us to our mansion. I almost forgot what it looked like since it has been 12 years since I have seen it. I can barely contain my excitement as I'm bouncing around in my seat. With a wide smile, I cheerfully say, "Does the house still look the same as when we left? Is my room the same as when we left? Are..."

I am cut off by my dad, "Well most of it is the same but I did ask them to update your room to reflect your current age, but I didn't let them throw anything away. All your toys were put into storage but if there is something that you are missing, just let me know and I'll have the staff find it for you. I also asked the staff to setup a game room with all the video games that you played back at our house in the United States."

Both Shane and I yell, "Yes!" in unison and start arguing about which video game we would play first. Rhonda just giggles and looks at my dad, "Boys and their toys."

It wasn't long before we reach our mansion. "There it is! I can see the top of the house! Look guys, our house is coming into view!" I look at Shane and Rhonda as the car comes around the corner and the mansion comes into full view. I smile at them and reach up to close their mouths.

Shane looks at me in awe, "That isn't a house, it is a mansion or a small city. Besides a gym and a game room, what else is in there?"

Rhonda says, "Do I get my own room while I'm here or is it a wing?"

My dad is calm and states, "This mansion was part of my wife's family's property and is ours now. Some of the things that you may enjoy are a swimming pool, music room with a piano, gym, gardens, and a movie theatre. I have an office here and there is also ballroom for holding functions, but I don't think we will be holding any of those soon. I'm going to let you get familiar with the house and we will have supper at 7pm. If you have any questions, please let one of the staff know or myself." The car stops in front of the mansion and staff begins getting the bags out of the vehicles and we are left to explore and unpack for the rest of the night.


The next day at the celebration, my dad is introducing us to various business associates and acquaintances while Shane, Rhonda and I plaster a fake smile on our face while greeting everyone. This is not what I had in mind when I talk about fun, but we are enduring it because my family friends went through all this work to hold it for us.

Suddenly, someone jumps on top of me and hugs me from behind. "P'YOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You are finally back!" I stumble forward and almost run into my dad but I stop myself in time. I forcibly pull the hands off me and turn around to give a piece of my mind to the idiot but stop in my tracks. "Ming?"

He grins wide and then remembers his manners. Ming wai to everyone and then goes back to his previous behavior and hugs me again. I'm still stunned that see that Ming has become so handsome but also irritated that he is taller than me now. When we were younger, I was always the taller one but now Ming is. "N'Ming! I can't believe that you are taller than me now. How did that happen? Never mind."

Ming smirking says, "P'Yo, it is great to have you back. I have missed you so much and we will be going to the same university. We will have so much fun." He hugs me again.

I slowly put my hands up and push him back. "Careful N'Ming, my girlfriend will be mad if you keep hugging me."


"Yes, N'Ming. I came to Thailand with my best friend, P'Shane, and my girlfriend, N'Rhonda." I put my hand on Rhonda's hand and slowly pull her to my side. "We have been together for over a year....

A light fog appears, and I can't see anything. Then my vision becomes a little clearer but I still can't clearly make things out, but I can see Ming on a stage performing Thai boxing. I can't hear anything and quickly the fog rolls back in. I can't see anything again.

Rhonda is shaking my arm, "Yo are you all right? Yo?"

I shake my head, "Sorry, I lost my train of thought. Where was I? Oh yeah, Rhonda and I have been together for over a year and she was gracious enough to come to Thailand with me. I hope you can be friends with them too."

As I finish, Shane leans in and whispers into my ears, "You had another vision again?"

I whisper, "Yeah."

Shane looks concerned. My dad comes my way and places his hand on my shoulder, "Son come with me for a bit. N'Ming, can you please stay with N'Rhonda while N'Shane and I have a conversation with my son?" Ming nods his head yes and Shane, my dad and I leave to go to a small room just down the hall.

As soon as we close the door, my dad frowns, "Wayo, did you just have a vision? Who was it about?"

I put my head down because I had been telling my dad that I wasn't having any more visions, which was a lie. Though I wanted to lie again and tell my dad that I didn't have a vision, he would know that I'm lying. The guilt of lying about the previous times is weighing me down and without looking up, I slowly nod my head to say yes. I sheepishly look up to see exactly how mad my dad is, but he seems to be staying calm which surprises me. "My vision was of Ming on a stage doing Thai boxing. I couldn't hear anything, and I don't know why he was on the stage. I'm sorry." My voice keeps getting softer and the last few words were merely a whisper.

My dad hesitantly says, "I see." We all sit quietly waiting for my dad to say something.

A soft knock is heard, and the door slowly opens. Ming slowly tilts his head in and says, "Is everything all right?"

My dad responds, "Yes, but Wayo isn't feeling well so I think we will be going home now. I will let you say good-bye and I'll go tell your parents that we are leaving." My dad gets up and pats my shoulder. He leans into my ears, "I'll be right back." Then he turns and walks out the door.

I look at Shane and without having to say anything, we nod at each other and he gets up to go find Rhonda. I look back up at Ming frowning, "I am sorry that I have to leave now. We just started to catch-up, but we still have time before school starts. Do you want to do something tomorrow?"

With that last question, Ming's face lights up. "I was planning on going out to the bar with some of my friends tomorrow if you and your friends want to joy. I will send you the address. Let me have your phone." Ming enters his contact information on my phone then calls his phone to save my number.

My dad enters the room and motions for me that it is time leave. With a sad face, I give Ming my good-bye and leave. I am dreading the conversation with my dad. He knows that I lied. However, he doesn't know that I was tired of being the weird one and the outcast. I just wanted to be normal and if I had to tell a little white lie for people to think I'm normal, then I would.

I hope this goes well.....

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