Chapter 7

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A/N:  I'm so excited with everyone's response to my story that I decided to post this chapter early.  I hope you enjoy.

Wayo POV

All my tests came back fine, and the doctor is discharging me now. My father and Shane are taking me home, but Rhonda isn't with them. As soon as the car starts to leave the hospital parking lot, I ask, "Where is Rhonda? Why isn't she here? I haven't seen her since I woke up either. Is there something that I need to know?"

I catch the looks that my dad and Shane give each other. My dad calmly responds, "She had an emergency come up back home, so she took a flight back to the United States yesterday before you woke up."

I can clearly see that they aren't telling me everything. I'm getting pissed. "Did you guys do something to her? Did you blame her for what happened to me? HMMM......"

Shane wasn't looking at me in the eyes but calmly says, "Your dad and I came into the room at the same time when we heard the screaming. We could clearly see what was going on, but it was Rhonda that kept mumbling something about it's not worth it."

Shane takes a breath and looks sideways at me.

I'm trying to figure out the comment about "it's not worth it" and what it means.

Shane continues, "Our top priority was to get you to the hospital but once you were at the hospital, we tried to talk to Rhonda. She was hysterical and was in shock. However, we did discover that she had started this whole relationship because you are rich. She had another boyfriend back in the States that she was going to go back to."

At this point, my dad takes over and says, "I had her investigated as soon as she started dating you. I knew from the beginning that she had another boyfriend, but I didn't know what she was after, so I didn't say anything."

As the information sinks in and I finally realize the situation, I sit straight in my seat and look at my dad. "Is that why you wouldn't let me have mom's wedding ring? You knew that she was after something else and that she was going to leave me at some point." A few tears begin to run down my face and my lip begins to quiver.

Sadly, my dad says, "Yes."

I can't believe that I let someone use me. In a span of a couple of days, I get my heart crush by the mystery man and I find out my girlfriend was only with me for something like money. I feel ashamed that I let this happen and I feel sad that I lost my girlfriend. However, I don't feel the heartache like I did when I had my last vision. I guess I didn't love her as much as I thought. Now I just must stay away from the mystery man who breaks my heart into pieces. Wait. Did I just say that a man is going to break my heart? I'm going to fall in love with a man? I now know that the mystery man is friends with Beam, so I just need to stay away from Beam and I won't meet "him".



I'm getting restless. I haven't been able to find Wayo these last few days. I keep hunting around and I have my friends helping look too. But nothing. Where did he go?

Bang, bang. "Pha, open the door!" Kit yells.

I jump up and run to the door. Maybe he found something out about Wayo. I open the door and Kit stumps into my room, "You took long enough."

Beam comes slinking into my room and chirps, "Guess what I found out?"

I shut the door and spin to face Beam. My eyes are wide open. "What? Tell me now."

Beam bluntly says, "Wayo has been in the hospital." Beam is proud of himself and continues to smile.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Hospital? Why?"

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