Chapter 120

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A/N: Here is another chapter. All the things are falling into to place for the big fight but we aren't there yet. I hope you enjoy it.


Luckily, we were able to derail the Fairies' attempt at having a house warming party. That is the last thing that I need right now. I have too many other things I'm concerned about. Not to mention, the announcement was made at the hospital today that Mr. Nasty will be starting as the new director next week. This is going to suck. I'm still irritated every time I have to move my wedding ring to my other hand. I can't wait until I can scream from the rooftop that I'm married to Yo. That will be one of the happiest days in my life.

I noticed that when we were coming into the hospital for our practicum earlier, Yo's dad's car is parked outside. He must be upstairs in the president's office. I wonder what he is doing, but I can probably bet that it has something to do with getting ready for Mr. Nasty.

Yes, the practicum is finally over. We all need to go back to our dorm rooms and study for our big test tomorrow. I think everyone is coming to my dorm room for a big study session. One nice thing about having no neighbors, it usually stays quiet, so we can study really easily.

As Beam, Kit and I are coming out of the locker room, the older doctor who is friends with Yo's dad stops us. "Nongs, I have been asked to send you up to the President's office. Have you ever been up there before? Or the better question is do you know how to get to it?"

We all shake our heads no and we all have the same blank expression. We don't have any idea how to get there and we are still learning where everything is at in the hospital. The older doctor chuckles and commands, "Follow me."

Well, I know that Yo's dad is probably in the President's office so I'm not too worried but I'm a little anxious as to what he wants to talk about. The closer the time comes for Mr. Nasty to start working in the hospital, the more my nerves just can't keep calm. Now that I understand that this is also my hospital, the more protective of it I've become. I don't want anyone messing with it.

The older doctor turns and starts walking down the hall and the three of us obediently follow right behind him. I almost feel like we have gotten into trouble and we are heading for the dean's office. The only difference is that we are going to my father-in-law who wouldn't harm or punish me.

As we stop in front of a restricted area, the older doctor says, "Okay, you may not know this yet, but your three key cards are a little different from everyone else's. Don't ever let anyone else use them. And before you ask, the reason your cards are different is because you have full access to the entire hospital. Nothing is off limits for the three of you. So, don't ever let anyone else have your cards."

Kit immediately asks, "We have access to the entire hospital? Everything?"

The older doctor smiles and puts his hand on Kit's shoulder. "Yes. Absolutely everything. But the card isn't going to get them anywhere. For restricted areas, there are two doors and the next door is palm print recognition security system so if someone does steal your key card and then tries to get through the second door with an incorrect palm print, the doors automatically lock, and the person can't get out either direction. The only way out will be to go back the way they came but only after security is outside the door to take the person down."

I'm curious if it actually works and I rush to the card reader and slam my card against it. The door automatically unlocks and we all rush into the little hall way. At the other end of the hall is another door but this time there is only a screen. I'm a little excited to see if my palm works as I almost skip over to the screen.

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