Well, task one is almost complete. By the time my friend leaves that contract negotiation, Mr. Elliott will be looking for another company to partner with for that piece of his business. Guess what? One of my other companies handles that type of business and may be willing to work with Mr. Elliott's company. Too bad that he won't be able to finish the contract with my company either. Nothing like stringing him along before pulling the rug out from under his feet. Oh, this game may be really fun by the time I'm finished.

I look through all the documents that my head of security has given me regarding the recording of all surgeries along with all the necessary equipment that will be needed. I'm surprised because it isn't that expensive, and it helps protect the hospital, so why haven't something like this been done before. Oh yeah, the previous director was funneling money off to his little R&D pet project that he was conducting. Like I wouldn't have found that one. The project was denied by the board, but the crooked director found a way to fund the project anyway, but I was able to get the money back. I was very fortunate that we caught him before he actually started spending the money.

I've reviewed the suggested policy and procedure documents for the recording but I'm not familiar with what the staff is going through. I think this is a good opportunity to get Mr. Kongthanin to come help me. Pha agreed that we can get his father's help when we need it and I think we need it now.


Knock. Knock.

"Come in." I continue to look at the data and information relating to my company that I've decided to involve with Mr. Elliott's company. I want to make sure that I don't have any issues with the employees or the management. I don't want some silly employee accidentally messing up my plans, but I think I'm fine. The staff looks pretty good and most of them have worked for me for a long time. However, I need the background checks that my head of security is doing.

My head of security walks into the room and stands directly in front of my desk. "Sir, the information that you were wanting." He hands me a thick pile of papers which I quickly begin to shuffle through.

Eagerly, I ask, "Did you find any issues with the employees there?"

"Nothing too bad but there are a few possible weak links."

Weak links aren't good because they can be turned into a traitor rather easily. I need more information.

I have my head of security run through all the files with me and give me reasons why he identified some employees as possible weak links. We worked together to figure out what to do to make sure that they don't become spies for Mr. Elliott. It took a while, but I think we have a good plan put together to head off any attempts my Mr. Elliott to buy off my employees.

On to the next step in our plan. Oh, I hope this goes well.

I verify that all the information has been provided to the appropriate authorities and then I think I can get back to the long list of other items that I'm working on. I can't wait for Yo to come back and work for the company. Him and Shane can get so much done in such a short period of time.



Beam, Kit and I are just getting to the hospital for our practicum today when everything seems to be in a buzz. What is going on?

I look at Kit and Beam and they are both confused, too. I ask, "What do you think happened?"

Beam says, "Do you think this has something to do with Mr. Nasty? Has Yo's dad confirmed that Mr. Nasty has officially accepted the job offer?"

I think for a minute. We did discuss hospital business yesterday at our house since Yo's dad and my father where both there. However, we couldn't talk too long because my mother wanted to get home. What did he say about the director position? Let me think. Ah! Yes, he confirmed that the official offer letter was signed and returned yesterday afternoon to the hospital.

I immediately blurt out, "Yes. The official signed offer letter was received by the hospital yesterday afternoon. So, I bet you are correct. It didn't take long for the word to get out and the whole hospital knows that a new director has been hired. To bad, they don't know exactly what type of person he really is, but they will find out soon."

Kit sighs. "I wish we could just jump to the point where he gets caught and everything is taken care of. I don't know if I can act normal around him or not. My urge to want to hit him may make me look odd or give him a heads up that something is going on. I really hope that I can pull this off."

Beam immediately hisses, "Hey, Shitty Kitty, the person that is going to have to do all the work and act really good is Ai'Pha. We already know that he is going to have to confront Mr. Nasty at some point and he has to act like he doesn't know what Mr. Nasty is up to. Ai'Pha is the one with the hard part here."

I pout and whine, "Yeah, I'm the one with the hard job here."

Beam suddenly slaps me. "Ai'Pha, you forgot to take your wedding ring off. Hurry up and move it to your other hand before someone sees it. All your efforts are going to go down the drain if they find out that your married already."

Kit scolds, "How can you forget that? You have to make sure that no one knows that you are married. Well, not until the nasty director goes down. Then we can throw a party and scream it from the rooftop."

I know what that I'm supposed to hide the fact that I'm married but it really irritates me. I'm finally married to the love of my life and I can't tell anyone a thing. Yes, I understand why but I'm so happy that it's hard to contain my excitement.

I slowly take my wedding ring off and put it on my other hand. Couples rings are just not as good as wedding rings. I love the sound of wedding rings so much better than those silly couples ring. This is only for a short period of time. This won't go on forever. Well, it better not.

As we get into the hospital, we can hear the buzz from all the people and we were correct. Everyone is talking about the man that they have hired for the director position. Okay, here we go. I hope we can pull this off well.

Posted July 10, 2018

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