We're only friends

Start from the beginning

"Does it hurt?" she asked, still worried. I shook my head. "It doesn't.. it's nothing important." I said and she looked up into my eyes, seeing that I was staring at her too. Eye contact. Really deep eye contact...

And suddenly I asked myself what she would think if she would know that I just killed someone yesterday.

What she would think about me and how she would feel about it. If she would be scared of me and want to stay away from me. If she would hate me or be disgusted or anything else that could end our friendship which just began...

"Did you.. fight?" she asked slowly and carefully like she would be afraid to ask, looking back at my hand that was still in hers.

"Yeah.. something like that.." I couldn't say it was a fight because Jason didn't even try to fight back or save himself and that's what I couldn't understand. Why? Did he already knew that he had no chance? Was he just weird or wasn't it worth to fight? It didn't matter anymore.

"I understand.." she said and slowly let my hand go.. she seemed like she would be a little terrified. Why did I start panicking when she let my hand go?

"You know you don't need to be scared of me.." I quietly said, bending down a little bit so I could look into her face since she was still staring at her lap.

I didn't know her that well. I couldn't know if she was that type of girl who was afraid of guys like me who were fighting and stuff but it seemed like she definitely was.

She looked into my eyes and I could see that she wasn't sure about her answer. She didn't knew me that well either. Of course she didn't know if she could trust me or not or what type of guy I was. It was totally normal... or not.. because I killed people..

It was difficult, especially for girls like her who never had to deal with anybody. Who were trying their bests to be invisible.. who were always quiet, shy and innocent.

I tried to smile and make her feel comfortable around me, to let her know that she didn't have to be scared. She smiled as soft as I did.

"I know.." she said and my heart started beating a little faster. I had this warm and soft feeling that I couldn't get away from... that I didn't want to get away from.

We studied and when we were done she looked a little strained and nervous, tapping her nails on the table. I watched her facial expressions.. she wanted to tell me something..

"Moon I.." she started while I was closing her book. "I know this seems really awkward but.. my sister wants to get to know you." she continued and I raised a brow and laughed. "What?0 I asked and it seemed like it was really embarrassing for her.

"She's not trusting anybody after the things I went through.. she's taking care of me and she's controlling so.. she wants to know so I'm spending my time with during lunch break.." she said and she seemed REALLY embarrassed. Sun would've been embarrassed too if I would've done that fo her but I could totally understand her sister and I thought it was really cute of her because that actually showed how much she loved her and how much she meant to her. She really cared about her.

"Look, you don't have to do that, I would understand it if you don't want to, it's fine. I know it's really awkward and just awful so-.." she was speaking way too fast so I cut her off.

"Sure." I shrugged with a honest smile that came from the inside.

"Really?" asked like she couldn't believe me. I nodded and she smiled. "Thank you." she said and I winked at her but regretted it immediately.

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