I leaned in and kissed her..


I finished my homework and laid down on my bed to call Dean. He picked up after it ringed three times.

"Babe..?" I could hear the guilt in his voice.

I knew he must've been breaking his head over the whole situation. I knew that small things were too much for him sometimes. "How do you feel? How is your face.." I asked and ran my hand through my hair, staring at the empty ceiling. "Okay. I'm sorry for being rude to Moon.." he said and I smiled but hoped he wouldn't notice it when I talked. "Stop apologizing." I said and swallowed.

The old Dean would've been provocative. The old Dean wouldn't have cared about what Moon said and what I was feeling and thinking about it. The old Dean would've never apologized about it..

"But I don't want you to be mad." he said and I shrugged although he couldn't see it. "I'm not mad." I said and I meant it. I wasn't mad. I didn't like how he couldn't control himself but I couldn't be mad because I knew why and I was only caring about us. Nobody else.

"How-.." he didn't continue the sentence so I kept talking. "I only care about your handsome face that's being damaged with every time you fight." I said and I could hear how relieved he was when he took a deep breath. I smiled again.

"You said you apologized to Moon.. how did that happen?" I asked a little skeptical and cautious.

I promised myself I wouldn't ask him about it because I didn't want to think more about it but I couldn't keep it inside anymore. I was too curious and wanted to know what happened between them even if it was going to make me sadder.

"Uhm.. I just said a few things about how much I love you and how I want you to be happy." he said and I realized how tired he was. His voice.. he sounded exhausted. His voice was so quiet and husky, he was talking so slowly.. like he just woke up.

"Alright.." I said not wanting him to explain more. It was the only thing I could say because there was nothing else to say. Nothing could change the situation. The thought of him talking about me to Moon.. made me a little nervous and happy at the same time.

And I could understand him. They were never going to accept us. It hurt and we were really fed up. At some point it was really enough. I was tired too.

"I wish I could see you right now.." he said and I closed my eyes.. that was all I wanted too.

Running my hand through his hair and feeling his big hands around my waist.. looking into his blue eyes that looked like they captured the ocean.. Feeling the way he breathes.. feeling his face in my neck and his love. I was dying for that..

"I wish that too.." unfortunately they were only going to stay wishes.

After a long silence and only enjoying each others company he finally broke the silence. I preferred listening to his voice more than listening to the silence.

"Sun?" he asked. "Mhm?"

"I love you." he said and the smile on my face was unexplainable. I blushed although that was something normal between us. It was just something different when he said it. It sounded special. He always kept telling me how much he loved me although there was no need to, because I already knew it.

"I love you too." I said and I hoped that he was smiling on the other line just as bright as me.

Unfortunately I heard someone knock on the door so I had to tell him that I had to go and eat dinner with people who hate us. Not really us in person but 'us'.

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