music video

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my manager dropped me off at the studio where i would be shooting the music video for my latest song so i walked inside and greeted the employees i would be working with. i was directed to the makeup table and grinned when i saw my usual makeup artist, jasmine.

"girl, you look so good today!" she said. i hugged and thanked her before sitting down in the chair.

"what's the look for today's video?" i asked.

"dark and sexy," she replied. "you'll be acting with a guy today and let me tell you, he's super hot."

i smirked and wiggled my eyebrows, making her laugh.

"go for it, girl, it's been a while since you've had a good hookup," she said.

"i'm not sure if i'm down for a hookup," i said.

"wait until you see him."

just as she said that, a tall guy around my age walked into the dressing room. i met his eyes in the mirror and mine widened. jasmine was right, he was absolutely gorgeous.

"oh my gosh, hi," he said. "my name is chanyeol, i'm a huge fan of your work! i'm so honoured to be a part of your music video!"

i chuckled and turned around to face him.

"it's nice to meet you, chanyeol," i said. "you're very handsome, i'm excited to work with you."

he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"sit down here, chanyeol, my colleague will be here in a moment to do your makeup," jasmine said. chanyeol nodded and sat in the chair beside me.

"so, where are you from?" i asked chanyeol.

"i was born in korea but i've lived in california since i was 5," he replied.

"can you speak korean? will you say something for me?"

"like what?"


"okay... 당신은 아름답습니다."

"what does that mean?"

"you're beautiful." (idk if it's right, i used google translate lmao)

it was my turn to blush and he smirked at me.

"alright, enough flirting, i have to finish your makeup," jasmine said. i rolled my eyes but let her finish.

once mine and chanyeol's makeup was done, we were sent to the first location to shoot.

"okay, so, basically this is how it's going to go," the director said, "you're going to be going on dates, cuddling, doing a bunch of couple-y things, and it's going to end by you singing to chanyeol then a quick kiss."

we both nodded in agreement and let the director lead us to our positions.


when we finally reached the last scene, the director had chanyeol sit on the bed then me opposite him with my guitar in my lap. once we were ready, the director yelled "action" and the music began. i sang along, pretending to play my instrument and just stared at chanyeol.

he's so gorgeous, so absolutely beautiful. his big brown eyes, cute nose, plump lips, and unique ears work absolutely perfectly together. i could stare at him all day.

the music ended so i slowly leaned in, placing my hand on the back of chanyeol's head, and attached our lips. i felt him sigh into the kiss before kissing me back, rubbing up and down my arm.

i pulled away after a few seconds and stared into his eyes, barely hearing the director cut the camera. i managed to look away from chanyeol and blushed when i saw jasmine smirking at me.

"that was great guys, good job," my manager said. "come on, (y/n), you have an interview in a few hours."

i groaned and heard chanyeol chuckle beside me. i turned back to look at him and motioned him forward.

"give me your phone," i whispered.

"why?" he asked.

"i'm going to give your my number because you're hot and i want to see you again," i said. he smiled then handed me his phone so i punched my number in. i kissed his cheek quickly before hopping off the bed and leaving the studio with my manager. today was great.

i hope you guys like this :)

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