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"come on, (y/n)! we're going to be late!" my best friend alex yelled, banging her fist on my bedroom door.

"i've already told you that i don't want to go." i replied.

"yes, but i don't believe you. i don't know what happened, but you used to love exo. come on, this might be the only time they come here, and i need you with me to translate in case jongin sees me and falls in love." she said. "please?"

i groaned loudly but rolled off my bed, grabbed my things and opened the door.

"thank you, i love you." she grinned. i mumbled a 'whatever' back while pushing past her and going downstairs. i hate how she can always convince me.


for the first time in a while, i was grateful when i saw exo walk out on stage because it shut alex up. the boys started talking and their translator repeated it in english but i ignored her as i knew what they were saying. i kept my eyes down on my feet, not wanting to look up and see his face. i've gone 2 years without seeing him and i really don't want to again.

the boys all dispersed and i saw jongin making his way over to our side of the stage. alex screamed her head off, bringing jongin's attention down to us. he smiled down at her first and then his eyes were on me. his mouth dropped so i smiled awkwardly and the next thing i knew, he was crouched down in front of me.

"it's really you." he said, squishing my cheeks together.

"jongin, no." i said, pulling his hands off.

"(y/n), it's been years since i've seen you. why did you cut off contact with us?" he asked.

"you know why." i replied. "go back to the concert, i don't want anyone else to see me." he reluctantly let go of me and went back to the others but it was too late. baekhyun had seen where he'd come from and immediately screamed my name. he ran over and grabbed my hands, pulling me up on stage.

"baekhyun, stop." i mumbled, pulling his arms off me.

"stop struggling and let me hug you." he said, tightening his grip on me.

"(y/n), it really is you!" jongdae cheered. he joined baekhyun's hug and soon all of the other members but one did too.

"guys, please, let me go back." i said, trying to get out of their arms. i finally managed to stumble out but tripped and found myself hitting something hard. i looked behind me and the one person i didn't want to see was staring down at me.

"hi." he said. instead of replying, i pushed away, past the boys and ran off the stage, leaving the arena.


when the concert was over, alex came out and walked over when she saw me sitting against the wall.

"what the hell happened up there?" she asked.

"it's a long story." i said. "chanyeol and i started dating when he was a trainee and we were together for just over 5 years until he dumped me 2 years ago because he got too famous. that's why i didn't want to come, i didn't want to see him again. he broke my heart but he doesn't even know. i cut off ties with all of them and yes, i miss the other boys, but i really didn't want to come today and have him see me."

"oh, (y/n), i'm so sorry." alex said, wrapping her arms around me. i heard footsteps running up to us then suddenly jongin dropped down beside me.

"(y/n), come with me. he wants to talk to you." he said.

"i don't want to talk to him." i said.

"please? he begged me to come and get you." i shook my head and he sighed.

"either you come or i will bring him to you. i'm not asking again." he said sternly. i stared up at him then angrily stood up.

"thank you." he said. "you can come too."

i translated what he said to alex and her eyes widened. jongin dragged me behind him, alex running to keep up, then shoved me into a room. he slammed the door behind me and soon i was face to face with chanyeol.

"i didn't think you'd actually come." he said.

"jongin threatened me." i said. he slowly walked closer to me so i backed up, pressing my back against the door.

"(y/n)..." he whispered.

"what did you want to talk about?" i asked.

"i wanted to tell you that i miss you. i know we ended things badly but i still love you." he said.

"'we' ended things badly? from what i remember, you dumped me because 'you were too famous to be with me'." i said.

"i didn't mean it that way. i didn't want you to get caught up in all of the things that were going on, i didn't want to hurt you."

i scoffed.

"we had been together for 3 years while you were in the group, i was completely fine. by not wanting to hurt me, you hurt me." i said.

"i'm sorry, (y/n), i really am. i love you." he said. he moved closer and pressed his body against mine, slamming his lips onto mine. i pushed him away immediately, slapping him on reflex.

"who said you could kiss me?! don't just kiss someone without their permission! it's going to take a lot more than 'i'm sorry' and 'i love you' for me to forgive you, you broke my heart." i said.

"please just give me another chance." he begged.

"why do you suddenly want me back? you broke up with me for a reason, why is it suddenly a different story? is it now okay for me to be around you and everything you do? it's been 2 years, chanyeol, why now?" i asked.

"because i miss you. i was wrong for breaking up with you, you were the love of my life, you still are. i need you back, i love you so much. please."

i sighed then reached up and touched his hair.

"i can't just take you back like nothing happened. i promised myself i wouldn't. i might be open to restarting a friendship, but i don't know. i'll have to think about it." i said.

"please, i'll take anything." he said. "can i kiss you again?"

"no, but you can kiss my cheek." i replied. he did so quickly, kissing me for over 5 seconds.

"i'm going to go now, but i will message you when i think about it, okay?" i said. he nodded so i pulled away from him and left. i really didn't want to get into this.

okay this is super long and i think i lost the plot halfway through, but i'm going to post it anyway. hope you like it.

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