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i pushed my binder off the bed and screamed in frustration, burying my face in my hands. i heard feet stomping on the stairs but ignored them, not looking up when the door flew open.

"(y/n)?" chanyeol said. i grumbled in response then felt him sit beside me. "are you okay, baby?"

"no," i replied.

"what's wrong?"

"i'm just stressed... i'm so stressed."

"oh, baby," he whispered. "talk to me." he brought me into his arms and i immediately melted into his warmth.

"i've got so many things to do, yeol. i've got a history project, a music project, and an english project all due on monday. i've been so busy doing homework that i haven't even started them and it's already saturday! i'm going to fail and have to drop out of university."

i broke down crying and chanyeol sighed sympathetically.

"that won't happen because i will sit here all weekend and help you," he said.

"you have schedules," i objected.

"i don't care, you're more important. you need me so i will be by your side all weekend to make sure you get everything done."

"you're going to get in trouble."

"they'll have to understand that the mental health of my girlfriend is more important right now."

i looked at him and smiled through my tears.

"i love you so much," i whispered.

"i love you more," he replied. i kissed him then bent down to pick my history text book up.

"okay, get everything out while i go and make us some hot chocolate. when i come back, explain what we have to do and i'll try my best to help," he said. i nodded and watched him leave the room before taking my books out of my bag. i looked up just in time to see him coming back in, two cups of hot chocolate in his hands. he handed me one then sat down beside me again so we could start.


i slammed my laptop shut in victory and picked up my phone to check the time.

"we finally finished at 12:43am on monday," i cheered. i looked at chanyeol's head on my shoulder and smiled when i saw him fast asleep. i don't blame him, we've been working for over 24 hours.

i gently took his head off my shoulder and laid him down, lifting the covers over him. i put my things back in my bag then quickly changed before joining chanyeol in bed. he unconsciously pulled me into his arms and flipped me over him to hold me close.

"goodnight, yeollie," i whispered. he mumbled back a reply so i kissed his chin then fell asleep.

i woke up to my alarm going off at 7 and i groaned before rolling off the bed.

"turn it off..." chanyeol whined. i picked up my phone and turned the alarm off.

"i have to go to school," i said.

"no, come back and cuddle," he said. i kissed his forehead then stood up.

"i would but there's a reason we worked on those projects all weekend. i'll be back at 3 so we can cuddle then."

i quickly changed then kissed chanyeol again before leaving the house.


when i got home, i smiled seeing chanyeol curled up on the couch, fast asleep. i took my jacket and shoes off before tiptoeing over to him and gently climbing on the couch beside him. his eyes opened and when he saw me, he grinned and pulled me into his arms.

"cuddle time," he said.

"cuddle time," i confirmed. i laid my head on his shoulder and smiled. he's the best boyfriend.

hey guys! i know i haven't updated in a few days but i found the most amazing chanbaek account on tumblr that just posts links to chanbaek fanfics so i've been religiously reading those for a while. i'm in a very chanbaek mood 😂

anyway, i hope you enjoy this! :)

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