blind date

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read bottom for an important announcement thing :)

i looked up from my phone just in time to see a boy sit down in front of me, sporting a wide grin on his face. i started at him skeptically until he finally spoke.

"hi, i'm park chanyeol," he said.

"i'm (y/n)," i said.

"it's nice to meet you." he held his hand out to me so i shook it. "i'm sorry if i seem too over-excited, it's just been a while since i've done this."


"i mean, i wasn't even fully up for it in the beginning, it being a blind date and all, but my friend convinced me i should do it because it's been so long since i've been out with someone."


"but you seem nice and you're really pretty so i guess there's no harm in seeing how it goes."

before i could say anything, the waiter came out and looked between the two of us expectantly.

"oh, sorry, i haven't even looked at the menu," chanyeol said. "do you know what you want, (y/n)?"

"i, uh, i kind of wanted the caesar salad," i said.

"ooh, that looks nice, i might as well have one, too. i'm trying to stay healthy."

the waiter took the menus, leaving me and chanyeol alone again.

"so, tell me about yourself," chanyeol said.

"um, well, i'm 22, i was born in the city, i work as a music producer at pledis entertainment, i like to read, i like listening to music, i like skiing, i love dogs... that's honestly about it for me," i said. "what about you?"

"i'm 25, i was also born here, i work at sm entertainment, and basically i love everything you do, except i'm a snowboarder."

i nodded then sighed and looked up at him.

"hey, before this goes any further, i should probably clear something up," i said. he nodded but seemed a bit confused. "i'm not your blind date, chanyeol."

"what do you mean? are you waiting for someone else? oh god, have i interrupted something?"

"no, i was here alone, don't worry. it's just that i wasn't supposed to be here meeting you."

his eyes widened in shock and he immediately started apologizing.

"i'm so sorry! oh my god, i can't believe i messed this up! why didn't you tell me before? why didn't you tell me to go away? i would have. was i bothering you? jeez, i'm sorry, i didn't know what my date looks like so i just assumed it was you. wow, my first date in a while and it's not even with the right person."

"hey, chanyeol, calm down. it's totally okay, i really don't mind. i tried to tell you earlier but you seemed so excited and it was honestly really cute. i think you're cute so i'm not upset at all. i understand that you're here to meet someone else so if you want, you can leave to go and find them, but just know that i'll be happy if you want to stay."

he sat in silence for a few seconds then shook his head.

"i don't want to go," he said. "sure i wasn't supposed to be here with you in the first place but i've been having fun so far and i'm not going to throw that away on a date that could be horrible."

"not even if the person turns out to be your soulmate?" i asked.

"what if you turn out to be my soulmate? it would kill me knowing i let you go."

i smiled and held my hand out to him.

"let's start over," i said. he shook my hand and grinned at me.

"hi, i'm park chanyeol," he said.

"i'm (y/n)," i replied.

"so, i know i'm already sitting here but would you like to go on a date with me?"

"oh wow, i wasn't expecting that." he chuckled, making me giggle. "i would love to."

"good, i wasn't going to take no for an answer."

i giggled and he grinned. i'm glad he found the wrong person.

this isn't great but let's post it anyway 😂

ALSO GUYS WE JUST HIT 100K READS! thank you all for reading this, i can't believe it actually got this far. i don't plan on stopping any time soon so just know there will be more to come! i love you all so much and i'm forever grateful that you have let me write what i want and have enjoyed it :) you guys are just the best ❤️

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