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chanyeol walked into the kitchen and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"they're all here and worried about why they are," he said. i let out a shaky breath and he heard it. he turned me around in his arms and pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"be brave," he said. "i'm sure everything will be okay."

i nodded and let him lead me out of the kitchen, into the living room. chanyeol sat down on the chair beside the couches that our parents were sitting on before pulling me down onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me again.

"is everything okay?" my mom asked.

"why did you ask us to come?" chanyeol's mom asked.

"we have something we'd like to tell you," chanyeol said. he patted my leg so i took a deep breath before finally looking up from my hands.

"i'm pregnant," i said. the whole room went silent and i swear everyone could hear how loud my heart was beating. the wait was excruciatingly long, especially not knowing what was going to come next.

"pregnant?" my mom asked.

"yes, 3 months," i replied.

"it's both of yours?"

"of course."

our mother's turned to look at each other and smiles broke out on both of their faces.

"this is such good news, i've always wanted grandkids!" my mom said.

"me too," chanyeol's agreed. "oh my god, it's going to be such a cute baby."

i stood up to hug both of them and chanyeol joined, getting a pat on the back from his dad.

"i hope you'll be a good dad, son," he said.

"i will try my best," chanyeol said. i smiled at him then looked to my dad who was still sitting on the couch.

"dad?" i asked.

"you told me you'd wait until you were married, (y/n)," he said.

"we're engaged and we're getting married before the baby's due, it's not a big deal."

"what happened to waiting? would it have been that hard?"

"dad i was 14 when i said that, i'm 24 now. i'm an adult, i can do whatever i want with my fiancé."

"i never liked him. i knew he wasn't good for you, i saw this coming."

chanyeol's smile dropped and i felt my heart ache. i grabbed his hand and tugged him closer to me, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"chanyeol's the best thing that's ever happened to me," i said. "i love him so much and i want to be with him, i want to have kids with him. i don't care if you don't like him, you don't have to. what should matter is that i'm happy, and i am. we're going to get married and we're going to have this baby because it's what we want."

"i told you not to be so rude," my mom snapped at my dad.

"i'm not going to sit and pretend that i'm okay with my daughter being knocked up so young and unmarried," he said.

"at least she's with chanyeol. some people get pregnant when they're not even together and that's a lot harder. they're a happy couple who are ready for kids, stop being so negative."

i mouthed a 'thank you' and she nodded back, smiling.

"we'll go home now, call me later so we can talk," she said. she took my dad and left the house, chanyeol's parents following shortly after. once they were gone, i flopped down on the couch and chanyeol sat beside me.

"that could have gone a lot better," i said.

"it also could have been worse," chanyeol said. "thank you for sticking up for me."

"anything for you," i said. i sat up to kiss him, smiling when i felt his hand rest on my stomach. i'd do anything for him and the baby.


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