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i lifted luna up onto the counter and started tying her shoes, grinning widely at her.

"we just have to get your shoes on then it's time for your first day of school!" i said.

"yay!" she cheered.

"it'll just be you and me, is that okay?"

"what about daddy?"

"daddy needs some sleep, baby girl, he was up really late last night."

her bottom lip jutted out and tears formed in her eyes. "he said he would come."

not wanting her to start crying, i sighed and kissed her head.

"i'll go and see if he wants to come," i told her. i lifted her off the counter and set her down in the living room before heading up to mine and chanyeol's room. i opened the door and sighed again when i saw him still fast asleep. i walked over to the bed and gently shook him.

"chanyeol, honey," i whispered. he groaned and turned towards me, eyes open the tiniest amount.

"what?" he grumbled.

"luna wants you to come with us to school," i said. "she said you promised her."

he chuckled tiredly and nodded. "i did do that." he slowly climbed out of bed and put on the first clothes he could find. we went downstairs and luna immediately jumped on him.

"daddy!" she said. "come on, let's go!"

he grinned and carried her out to the car, acting as excited as he could when needed.

once at the school, chanyeol lifted luna out of the car and we all walked in together, going straight to luna's class. we greeted her teacher then chanyeol bent down in front of luna.

"promise me you'll be a good girl today?" he said. she nodded and he grinned. "i know you will. have a good day, baby, i love you."

he kissed her cheek then moved to let me hug her.

"i'll be back later to pick you up," i said. "i love you, princess."

i kissed her cheek as well then with one last goodbye, she ran off to a girl in the corner of the classroom and they immediately started playing together. i chuckled at the cute sight and turned to look at chanyeol, only to see him half asleep.

"alright, let's get you back home," i said. i helped him out to the car and when we arrived home, i lead him to the bedroom where he fell asleep instantly.


chanyeol was still fast asleep when it was time to pick luna up so i left him a note before driving to the school to get her. she ran over to me and animatedly told me about her day all the way back home. once inside, the excitement seemed to catch up with her and she knocked out in my arms. i carried her into mine and chanyeol's bedroom, where he was still asleep, and gently lay luna down on the bed, smiling when she unconsciously cuddled into chanyeol who unconsciously pulled her closer. i snapped a few pictures of them together just in time for chanyeol to wake up and smile at our sleeping daughter in his arms.

"and i was worried she was too old for daddy cuddles now," he mumbled.

"she's never going to be too old for daddy cuddles," i said. he hummed in agreement and stroked luna's head, staring at her with the most loving gaze.

"our baby girl is so grown up, starting school," he said. "i still remember the day we brought her home."

"god, me too. i was so worried about having a child, how difficult it was going to be."

"little did we know she'd be the most angelic daughter."

"you may think she is now but just wait until she's a teenager."

"that's never allowed to happen, she has to stay my baby girl forever."

i chuckled at the determined look on his face and leaned down to kiss him.

"she will," i said. he smiled and wrapped his arms around luna tighter before slowly drifting back to sleep. i love my babies.

this is baaaad 😂 i know i say that a lot and some of you may be thinking i'm saying it to get compliments but honestly dudes i don't really like a lot of the ones i write, it's hard for me to think of good ideas lol

anyway, i hope you enjoyed more chanyeol and babies :)

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