kicked out

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i heard a knock on my door and, not expecting anyone, i was a little bit confused. i walked over and opened the door, a frown appearing on my face when i saw my boyfriend chanyeol.

"what are you doing here?" i asked.

"i'm sorry for just showing up but my parents kicked me out after a fight and i didn't know where else to go," he said.

"oh, baby, of course you can come here."

i let him in the house and we walked over to the couch. he sat down then i sat beside him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"what happened, baby?" i asked.

"they yelled at me for getting a bad grade on my test and they blamed you for it because 'i spend too much time with you and it's affecting my studies'," he replied.

"i mean, you do spend a lot of time here," i said.

"not that much! i do my homework and i study for my tests!"

"i'm not saying you don't."

he sighed so i lifted his head up to me and pressed a kiss on his lips. he relaxed into my lips and kissed me back, allowing me to deepen the kiss slightly. he wrapped his arms around my waist and moved me to sit on his lap so it was an easier angle for both of us.

i pulled away after a few minutes and he smiled happily.

"you always know what to do to make me feel better," he said. i smiled and pecked his lips again.

"we've been together for 3 years now, i've learned what you like and don't like," i said.

"i love you."

"i love you more."

i slid off his lap and he immediately cuddled into my side.

"how long before your parents ask you to go back?" i asked.

"a day, maybe less," he said.

"okay, you can stay until then."

"will your parents mind?"

"nah, my mom loves you."

"what about your dad? will he be okay with your boyfriend living with you?"

"he'll get over it. he knows what we do."

his eyes went comically large. "you've told him?!"

"oh, god no." i laughed. "i'm 18, chanyeol, he knows this is a serious relationship and he knows what people in serious relationships do. i don't think he's super happy with it but he doesn't care that much. as long as we're being safe."

"well, we definitely won't be doing anything while i'm here, not with your parents in the house."

i chuckled and rubbed his arm.

"they'll be happy to know that you're responsible like that," i said.

"of course, i want them to like me," he said.

"they do."

i heard the front door open then and my parents walked in, both of them surprised to see chanyeol.

"he got in a fight with his parents so i said he could stay here for the night," i explained.

"he's staying in the guest room," my dad said.

"dad, we're not going to do anything," i said.

"trust me, sir, i wouldn't do anything that would make you uncomfortable. i just need to stay for one night then i'm sure i'll be going back home."

"i know, chanyeol, i'm only teasing. i don't mind, honestly, i trust both of you."

chanyeol thanked him, bowing, then turned to me and grinned. i mouthed an 'i told you' to him and he rolled his eyes but his smile grew.

"come on, let's go and cuddle upstairs," i said. i held my hand out for his and he took it, letting me lead him to my room. i can't wait for our little sleepover.

eh this is bad 😂 sorry y'all, i hope you liked it even a little bit lol

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