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this is a part 2 of the "joke" imagine that i wrote before :)

i invited kyungsoo over once chanyeol left for the gym and when he arrived, i took him and soojung into the bedroom.

"why am i here?" he asked, bouncing soojung in his arms.

"we're going to pull a prank on chanyeol," i said.

"what kind of prank?"

"you're going to hide with soojung and i'm going to pretend she was kidnapped."

"isn't that a bit harsh? chanyeol loves her so much."

"he pretended he was in trouble and i love him so much, i think he deserves it."

he stared at me for a second but then smiled.

"let's do it, he needs to know what he did to you," he said. i smiled and kissed soojung's head before kyungsoo took her into the guest bedroom. i took my phone out of my pocket and called chanyeol.

"chanyeol, i need you home now," i said when he picked up.

"what? what happened? are you okay? is soojung okay?" he rambled.

"s-someone came in a-and t-took soojung, chanyeol, come home."

he assured me he'd be home soon then hung up just before i could start laughing. i managed to compose myself just before chanyeol ran in, tears streaming down his face.

"did you call the police?" he asked.
"yeah, they're on their way," i replied.
"what did the person look like? did you see them?"
"i-i'm not sure, they were tall, blonde-ish hair, brown eyes... that's all i got."
"okay, it's something. we'll find her, baby."

he pulled me into his arms and behind his back, i texted kyungsoo to come in. the door opened a minute later and chanyeol turned around to see kyungsoo and soojung at the door. his jaw dropped and he was quick to take soojung and cradle her.

"what the fuck, (y/n)? why the fuck would you pretend our daughter was taken? how could you do that to me?" he yelled.

"you pretended that you were badly hurt, chanyeol, you had it coming," i said. his eyes widened in anger and he handed soojung to kyungsoo again before turning completely to me.

"that's completely different! this is our daughter!" he said.

"it's not different to me! you're both the most important people to me, so you being in trouble is just as bad as soojung being in trouble."

he sighed and ran his hands over his face.

"god, we're horrible people," he whispered. he looked at me again, shaking his head slightly. "we have to stop pulling pranks on each other because one day something is actually going to happen and we won't believe each other."

"you're right, i'm sorry," i said.

"i'm sorry, too, baby," he replied. he pulled me into his arms and i cuddled into his chest. i then took soojung from kyungsoo and brought her into our hug.

"i'm going to go now guys," kyungsoo said. we nodded and he left, leaving us to our family hug. i looked down at soojung in my arms and smiled when i saw her smiling up at us.

"hey beautiful," i whispered, kissing her forehead.

"such a beautiful little girl," chanyeol said. i lifted her up to him so he could place a kiss on her cheek. she giggled and held her arms out to him so he could take her instead. he scooped her from my arms and blew raspberries over her cheeks and forehead. he sat down on the bed and laid her down on his legs, continuing to kiss her. i watched them with a huge smile on my face, loving the sight of them being so cute. i have a dysfunctional but absolutely amazing family.

i don't like this one much but i wanted to post. hope you enjoy :)

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