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i heard sobs coming from the bedroom so i rushed up the stairs and opened the door to see chanyeol crying into his pillow.

"yeol, baby, what happened?" i asked.

"j-jonghyun... dead... he's dead," he sobbed. my jaw dropped, heart breaking in two.

"he died? how?"

"th-they think i-it was suicide."

he cried even harder at his words so i wrapped my arms around him and let him cry into my neck.

"i'm so sorry, baby, i'm so sorry," i whispered. he pulled to sit on his lap and buried his face in my shoulder. i felt tears falling from my eyes when his soaked through my shirt.

"i know it's hard, but he's in a better place now and that's what we should be thankful for. it's going to be difficult for a while but you'll get through it," i said. i slid my hand into his hair and pressed gentle kisses over his neck and shoulder.

"i j-just wish he w-was still here..." he said.

"i know, baby, and i'm so sorry."

his phone started ringing beside him so i picked it up and answered it after seeing baekhyun's name.

"hey baek," i said.
"hey," he replied, sniffling. "how's yeol?"
"not great, you can probably hear him."
"i figured. well, i just called to let him know that the funeral is coming up and we're invited."
"okay, i'll tell him."
"of course. send my apologies to the boys and his family, yeah?"
"i will. bye."

i hung up and put chanyeol's phone back down.

"what did he say?" chanyeol asked.

"just that jonghyun's funeral is soon," i replied. he sniffled again and some fresh tears escaped. i moved back so i could see his face and wiped his red cheeks free of tears.

"you're ugly when you cry," i whispered teasingly. he let out a short laugh but dropped it instantly. i frowned and kissed him softly.

"you're allowed to laugh, yeol. i know you're sad and you have every right to be, but jonghyun wouldn't want you to cry over him for hours. sometimes laughter can help," i said.

"it doesn't feel right. why should i get to laugh when he never will again?" he said.

"laugh for him. laugh twice as hard and he'll feel it. i know he's watching over all of us right now and thinking how much he loves us. he may be gone but he'll never be gone."

he nodded and wiped away some more tears.

"i'm so lucky i have you," he said. i smiled and let him lean in to kiss me.

"i think you should get some sleep," i said when i saw his eyelids droop.

"mm, yeah," he agreed. i got off him to let him lie down and cover himself with the duvet.

"come down when you wake up and i'll make you some food if you're hungry." he nodded then closed his eyes so i turned the light off and left. once the door was closed, i heard faint crying sounds again and my heart started aching. i hate when he cries.


when chanyeol came downstairs, he sat on the couch beside me and wrapped himself around me.

"okay?" i asked.

"not really, but getting there," he replied. i nodded and leaned in to kiss his forehead.

"jongin texted, he saw taemin. he's not doing well at all," he said.

"that makes sense, it's hard losing your best friend." he hummed in agreement and buried his head in my neck.

"i miss him," he mumbled.

"i know, baby, but just remember; he's now shining as the sky's brightest star."

i can't believe what happened this morning. i'm not a shinee fan but this news has been so hard for me too. i've been trying not to cry all day.

it's hard to accept that someone so talented and beautiful is gone forever. i have no idea how the fans, his friends and his family are dealing with the news but i hope that they'll be able to find peace soon.

also, i hope that jonghyun is in a better place now and he doesn't hurt anymore. he didn't deserve the pain he went through.

my heart goes out to every single one of you, i don't know how i'd cope if i was in this situation, if chanyeol or anyone from exo died. i'm always here if anyone needs to talk, i promise i'll listen. i hope you will be okay again soon.

rest in peace, jonghyun.

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