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thank you to emilythomas2000 for the idea :)

i watched in awe as his fingers moved across the keyboard. i've never seen someone so talented and so passionate about playing the piano, it's absolutely the most amazing sight. the songs he plays and the way he makes them come to life makes me feel so relaxed and makes my day one hundred times better.

i never thought i would be here, sitting in the front row at park chanyeol's concert, but here i am. i've been in love with this man and his skills for years and i finally get to see him live. it's a complete dream come true.

chanyeol finished the song he was playing and stood up to bow to the ecstatic audience. on his way back up, his eyes made their way into the crowd and met mine. i froze in shock but managed a small smile which he returned. he looked away to scan the rest of the audience but looked down at me one more time before sitting back down at the piano.


when the concert was (sadly) over, chanyeol stood up from the piano bench again and walked over to the front of the stage.

"so, i've decided to start doing this new thing where i hand out free backstage passes to some lucky fans in the crowd. if i call out your seat, please make your way to security when you leave, with proof of your seat number, and they'll let you backstage." he started listing off names and my heart raced but it dropped when my number wasn't called. oh well, i thought, next time.

before i left the venue, i looked up at chanyeol on the stage again and saw him already looking my way. he motioned for me to go over to him so i did, ignoring the pounding of my heart in my ears.

"hi." he said when i reached him.

"hi." i replied.

"was your seat number called?" he asked. i shook my head no and he pouted.

"i thought i counted correctly..." he mumbled. "would you like to come back anyway? i kind of wanted to talk to you."

i couldn't speak to tell him yes so i just nodded.

"great, come with me." he said. he jumped off stage and lead me out of the arena towards the backstage area. he took me to an empty room and let me in, stopping in the doorway.

"i have to quickly meet the others but i will be back." he said. i nodded again so he left, shutting the door. my eyes trailed to the piano in the corner so i walked over and sat down at it, smiling. it had been so long since i'd played piano but as soon as i touched a key, everything came rushing back. i've always loved playing which is why i'm such a huge fan of chanyeol. the way he plays is beautiful.

it didn't seem like i was alone for long until i heard someone cough behind me. i turned around and chanyeol was there, smiling at me.

"you're very good." he said.

i blushed. "thank you, but you're better."

he just smiled and walked to sit beside me on the bench.

"do you know 'ave maria'?" he asked.

"yes." i replied.

"you play left, i'll play right." he said.

he started playing so i quickly joined in, smiling at how it worked together. our hands met a couple of times, skin brushing together, and it sent chills through my body.

i never thought i would be sitting in a room with park chanyeol, playing the piano. this is the dream.

so this one was a little rushed and it's not super good, but i hope you guys like it :) thanks again again for the 10k reads!

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