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chanyeol placed the blindfold over my eyes once we were getting close to our destination so the "surprise wouldn't be ruined", and once the car stopped, he and another one of the boys, i guessed jongin, helped me out of the car and took me somewhere.

"you guys are going to kill me and leave my body in the woods, aren't you?" i said.

"oh, guys, she caught on, call the plan off," chanyeol said. i rolled my eyes, glad he couldn't see me.

"you're so funny, chanyeol," i said. i heard him chuckle then i felt lips on my cheek.

"don't kiss me, that's gross."

the boys stopped walking so i figured we'd arrived at our destination.

"okay, on three," chanyeol said. "one, two, three."

he lifted the blindfold off me and once my eyes had adjusted, i saw the huge disney sign in front of me. my eyes widened in excitement and i turned to chanyeol who was grinning at me.

"happy birthday, baby," he said. i smiled and jumped into his arms, kissing his lips hundreds of times as a 'thank you'.

"oh my god, i love you so much," i said. i kissed him again then heard jongin clear his throat.

"it was actually my idea," he said. i giggled then jumped down off chanyeol and wrapped my arm around jongin's waist.

"do you want a kiss, too?" i asked.

"i wouldn't object," he replied. he leaned down so i pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"come on, let's go!" baekhyun interrupted, taking my hand and dragging me into the park. once the other boys had caught up, we bought the tickets then everyone turned to me.

"where to first?" chanyeol asked.

"i don't know, i've never been here before," i replied.

"yeah, well, you can read the signs so tell us where to go," sehun said, sounding done with me already.

"okay, princess, let's go to tomorrowland, they have good rides according to the map."

i lead the way, grinning while sehun grumbled about me calling him 'princess'. chanyeol caught up to me and slung his arm over my shoulder, smiling down at me.

"am i the best husband or what?" he asked.

"you're alright," i replied, nudging his side with my shoulder.

"we'll come back one day and bring our kids," he said.

"kids plural?"

"duh, i want at least 12."

"only 12? i was thinking 20."

he grinned. "that's why i married you."

i smiled back, jumping up quickly to kiss him. once in tomorrowland, we got in the line for the first ride, waiting very impatiently.


we spent all day at the park, riding the rides until it got to 10pm when the fireworks were scheduled to start. we found a nice spot by the water and i pulled all of the boys into a group hug, kissing each of their cheeks one by one.

"thank you guys for an amazing birthday," i said. i let go of them before wrapping myself in chanyeol's arms, leaning back against him.

"this would be the perfect place to propose," he said.

"too bad we're already married," i said.

"yeah," he agreed. i looked up at him and reached my arm up to tangle my fingers in his hair.

"i love you," i whispered.

"i love you, too, baby," he replied. he pressed a quick kiss on my lips then looked back up when the fireworks started, eyes wide in wonder. this was absolutely the most perfect birthday i've ever had.

this is kinda cute i guess? hope you like it :)

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