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chanyeol locked the front door then put the key in his pocket and took my hand. he took toben's leash from me with the other and we started on our walk.

"thanks for walking the dog with me," he said.

"of course, anything to get some time with you away from yoora," i said. "don't get me wrong, i love her, but she always watches us like i'm about to pounce on you at any second and do something in front of her."

"is she wrong?" he asked. i rolled my eyes and bumped my arm against his.

"i'm ready to pounce on you at any second all the time but not in front of her."

"you're welcome to pounce on me whenever you'd like."

i chuckled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. i looked away and took in our surroundings. it had finally started to warm up a few weeks before and it was such a nice temperature to be walking the dog.

"you alright?" chanyeol asked.

"yeah, just admiring how nice of a day it is," i said.

"it really is, a day like this is my favourite to go out," he agreed. "toben enjoys it and we get some fresh air without freezing to death."

"you're so wise," i said.

he grinned and nodded. "i am."

we walked in silence for a little bit until we reached the dog park where chanyeol let toben off his leash. we sat down on one of the benches and chanyeol took my hand again. we watched toben run around with the other dogs and chanyeol sighed happily.

"look at our son go," he said.

"he's not our son, chanyeol, he's your family's dog," i said. he shushed me and put his finger up to my lips.

"until we have a child he's our son," he said. i rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that formed.

"you're weird."

"yes, but you'll have to deal with that because you're mine and i'm never letting you go. i'll be your weird boyfriend for the rest of your life."

"so we're not going to get married then?"


"if you're going to be my weird boyfriend for the rest of my like that implies we're not getting married."

he pouted and it was the most adorable thing i'd ever seen.

"stop it, you know what i meant," he mumbled. i smiled and placed a kiss on his pouty lips.

"i know, i just love to mess with you," i said. he scoffed but gave me a cute grin right after.

toben ran back over to us after a good half an hour so chanyeol lifted him up and sat him on his lap.

"toben, your big brother is weird," i said. the dog gave me what looked like an exasperated look and i took it as a 'yeah, i know'.

"see, toben agrees with me, he thinks you're weird, too," i said.

"now my own dog is turning against me? what a life i live..."

he looked off into the distance dramatically which made me let out a snort.

"come on, drama queen, let's go home," i said. he clipped toben's leash back on and we started on the walk back to his house.

"when are you going home?" he asked.

"around 4, i have to work tomorrow," i replied.

"that gives us another... 3 hours to do whatever we want," he said.

"do you know what sounds nice?" he hummed. "a long, relaxing bath."

"ooh, can i join?"

"i'm not in the mood today."

"not for anything sexual, just to cuddle."

i smiled and nodded.


when we got inside his house, we went up to the bathroom and ran the bath before climbing into the hot water. i sighed happily as i leaned back against chanyeol's chest. this is the life.

BAD 😂 oh well

also yo i have to wake up at 6 tomorrow to go to the hospital shoot me

also also i started watching exo showtime and it's so cute guys i love my babies so much 😂

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