With You - Chapter 5

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He didn't know what to respond his apology with. Angry statements, sarcasm, an attempt to guilt-trip him, or? He would, but he couldn't, not in this situation. He was bad with words, and had always been, so he was not sure what Soraru would want to hear from him.

Mafumafu moved his hands that were on Soraru's chest around instead, and reached out for his back, feeling Soraru flinch. His back was surprisingly broad when Mafumafu touched him like this. He clung onto Soraru carefully, closed his eyes, and buried his face into Soraru's shoulder, deciding to not say a thing to make the air around them awkward. And as if Soraru finally received permission, he pulled Mafumafu even closer to himself, closing up the distance between the two of them.

Soraru was covered with the intoxicating scent of the ladies around him tonight, but Mafumafu was still able to make out a scent that smelled a little like the grass and leaves they had at the royal garden. He strengthened his hold around Soraru. And there was also this really nice and calming smell that Mafumafu thinks only belong to Soraru.

"... Mafumafu,"

Mafumafu snuggled up to Soraru but Soraru let go of him, pulling his hands away from his body, and then pushing him away.

"It's time for you to go," he said in a soft voice.

It was not the first time he felt this, but every time he had to leave him, he would feel sad and lonely because being with Soraru makes him feel comfortable. He makes him feel human, alive. Since when had he felt this way? Probably from the second time they met at the royal garden.

It was Mafumafu's first time talking about things without a care in his mind. He felt freedom, something he was unfamiliar with but yearned to know more about.

"My subordinate might call the guards on me if she doesn't find me anywhere in the castle, so I'm going to go get her," said Soraru as his hand slid down to grab Mafumafu's. He held his hand in his, and gave it a little squeeze. "And I didn't want you to get hurt,"

Mafumafu could have kept quiet, or at least said something cute and honest, but he said:

"Are you making fun of me?"

Heavens, why did he always have to sound mean, he wondered. Then again, he hadn't a single idea of what cute and honest were.

He heard Soraru let out a soft chuckle.

"I'm being serious here though,"

"... I can protect myself,"

"You probably can, but let me do it this time,"

It was amazing how he could say something like not wanting to let Mafumafu get hurt so naturally like that. Was it because he was a knight? Or was he saying it because it was Mafumafu?

Mafumafu watched as Soraru laughed again, and assured him again that he wasn't planning to make fun of anyone. He looked away, anywhere but at Soraru, and gave him a push, not forgetting to also give him a little kick at his leg. It annoyed Mafumafu when his heart would start racing again at the sight of Soraru's smile, so he had to let it out a little on him.

"I'll get out first, and then I'll tell you if the coast is clear, alright?" Soraru got onto his feet, never forgetting to keep low. He grabbed on to the curtain, and looked behind him to make sure Mafumafu was ready.

Mafumafu watched as he slipped out of the curtain quietly, and the coast was definitely clear because Soraru came back to him, pushing the curtains away for him and asking Mafumafu to leave. He left through the door he came from, and jumped onto the walls.

Before he exited the castle, he turned around, seeing Soraru talking to the female servant who was looking for him then jumped off the walls and back into the slums.

Soraru x MafumafuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz