Chapter 35

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and yes another meeting.  I promise that they won't have too many after this.  :)  Enjoy.

On another note, I'm so EXCITED that when I went to open my story, I saw #3 ranking for 2Moons on the main page.  I think I actually stopped breathing for a couple minutes.  I didn't believe it at first and I even went to the story's detail page before I could believe it.  I'm so happy that people are enjoying my story.  


"Did P'Yo really get death threats this morning?" I can see that Kit is concerned and worried.

None of us thought that Pring would go as far as threating Yo. However, I get a feeling that Yo wasn't completely surprised by this latest development. I need to talk to him later and find out what he knows.

"Yes, and his father sent bodyguards to watch over him going forward. I'm almost afraid to kiss him now because of those bodyguards. Shane told me that they will be taking pictures of anything 'important' and that I should keep myself in check. I don't know if I can be around my baby and not touch him."  I pout and look at Kit and Beam for some answers, but they just give me blank stares. "How will I handle it?"

Beam leans forward and pats my shoulder while sarcastically chanting, "There, there, you can't touch your wifey. What a shame."

Kit stifles a laugh, but I still know that he is laughing at me. I growl and slap Beam's hand away. "I don't want P'Yo's dad to think that I only want to jump Yo's bones."

Kit smirks and glances at his phone. "I'm sure that he has figured out that you love P'Yo all ready. One look at the two of you together, any one can see the love. Don't worry about it." Kit hesitates and then reluctantly proceeds. "P'Yo's dad may already know. P' had several visions of you and I get a feeling that P' has told him about the visions."

I realize that Kit is probably right. Yo has probably talked to his dad about the visions before I even met Yo. I should stop worrying about my father-in-law and get back to the main issue at hand and that is Pring. "Guys, what are we going to do about Ai'Pring?"

Kit and Beam's face go blank and we just sit staring at each other for a moment. Kit slowly sighs. "Our original plan was to ignore her but still go about our normal schedules. However, I'm so mad at her that I think I'll end up spitting on her or slapping her if I have to stand anywhere remotely close to her. So, I suggest that we just stay with our group and not do the study groups or even stay in the medical facility when our classes are done."

Beam nods his head in agreement. "Yes, I don't want to be anywhere close to Ai'Pring either. She may be a girl but right now I think she is the devil disguised as a girl and I don't have any problem hitting the devil."

I agree with Beam. I don't know if I can contain my hatred for Pring if I was to be around her too much. "Okay, then it is settled that we won't do the study groups anymore and we won't stay in the medical facility unless we absolutely must. So, are we going to stay in P'Yo's facility instead?"

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