Daichi Sawamura- Our Life Begins

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"You, sadly, didn't live as long as we hoped you might. You , as you can see, died in our lovers arms for the fifth time in eternaty. But yours was tragic."

On the screen moved the image of Diachi, your fiance, holding you in his arms as he screamed in the middle of a once buddy road. On both sides the cars had stopped and pulled over. Pedestians had theirs phones out dialing for help that was heading your way.

But you. Were gone. Now just a lifeless body that had no soul in its eyes. The clothing you had on now was the same that you died in. But clean. No scuff marks, no bones sticking through fabric, no blood.

You were dead.

You slowly let your body fall into the seat between Roar and Med. Nat and Ro on either side of them.

You wimpered as your body was taken out of your loving boyfriends arms and into an ambulance where they did the best they could to bring you back.

Your chest hurt each time they tried but you knew that would stop as soon as they saw your necklace.

No Code

You didn't want to be brought back, not if you would live your life in pain.

But if you had known that your absence would be the downfall of Daichi.

You would have burned that necklace and the papers that came with it.

The screen froze with a still image of Daichi on the screen. Tears ran down his face and made his cheeks damp with the salty water. You knew he wouldn't blick. Because if he did you would be out of sight within the next second and he would know that the tragedy that had just happened wasn't some terror. That it wasn't a bad dream that help him remember to hold onto those he loved.

You screamed as you felt your heart break. Your twins, doppelgangers, cried as they tried to hold their breaths.

Roar placed and hand on your shoulder.

"He loves you." He said. "He loves us and he always will. I know, he died for me. To protect me. And he stayed by our sides no matter what happened to us."

Roar paused sucking in a breath as he tried to keep himself together.

"We ment what we said, that your ending was the most tragic. But not because you died, doll." Roar brushed his hand over your matching (H/C) hair.

"Because he is the one to live with the heartache."

The screen flickered and switched to a new image.

"Push (M/N)! Push. You're almost there."

A scream. The one of your mother's.

You looked up from your hands to see a familiar, but completely new person on the screen resting on the bed as She squeezed her husband's hand with all her might.

The situation was common. One you knew. But the location seemed odd, out of place. The rooms was a shade of white, screens and buttons covered the walls of the cirular room. There was a window off to the right. But it wasn't 'outside'.

"Space?" you asked.

Roar nodded. And took you hand gently.

"You reincarnation of you, Tech. The reincarnation of all of us."

"It's a boy." a man said. He wore a suit that fit his form.

He carried the baby boy to a small glass chamber and let him rest on a pile of blankets inside.

"Do you have a name?" the doctor asked.

Your 'mother' seemed to be sleeping after the hard work of labour, but your 'father' spoke up with a smile.

"(Y/N)." He said "(Y/N) (L/N)."

The large screen continued to play the film from a 3rd perspective. As if there were another person there, watching. But there wasn't. It was just you five, watching as your 6th being began his life.

"And what about Daichi?" you asked as you rubbed off the dried tears from your cheeks.

"He'll turn up." said Ro.

"He always does." Nat followed as she smiled to herself.

You breathed deeply and let yourself relax in your seat.

"And now." Med spoke up as the woman on the bed was handed her son.

"Our life begins."


I legitimately cried while writing this. I'm not one to cry often so I sure surprised myself.

But I must say. This is one of my favourites.

Haikyuu!! AUs (x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin