Oikawa Tooru- Hobby Horse

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AU: Regular

Kiwi hasn't been responding to my texts... I don't know where she went so it looks like I'm updating again.

The request was for a sort of one sided love, breakup, and make up sort of thing. But I wanted to do something more empowering than that.

Sorry, to the person who requested. (I know, and you know who you are.) But I wanted to take a sort of stereotypical storyline and make the reader feel stronger than that.


"How did you do on your English history test?" (F/N) asked texting her girlfriend to hurry up.

"Aced it of course." you said.

It wasn't a normal relationship. It was a mixture of peer pressure and your parents that landed you in the relationship. You adored him. He didn't feel the same way.
And he made that painfully obvious.

You were a well liked student for the most part. Your 2nd year was a mess of relationships that shouldn't have happened and people who made it happen. Your 3rd year was back normal. You stayed with your friends and made new ones. You rebuilt your reputation as a strong smart person in your school.

Everything was back to normal, until about a month in.

"Hey (L/N)-san, what do you think about the sports teams?"

You sat at one of the many lunch tables next to your friend as they stared at the many teams that sat at tables of their own.

"Depends, our basketball team is okay. But the students tend to miss class a lot due to games so their grades suffer." You said pointing to the girls and boys that are their food quickly and projected their voices so loud the whole cafeteria could here their conversations.

(F/N) nodded quickly texting her girlfriend to hurry and get to where you sat. When she looked up she pointed to the soccer teams. "How about them?"

"They're smart." you said waving your hand over to the doors when (F/N)'s girlfriend arrived.

"But they have a tendency to get bad injuries. The goalies are no exception, especially Nari, she is built like a truck and take down any of the boys in a single kick. But she's reckless and has knee problems. problems. No matter how much I try I can't make her slow down, not that it would stop her anyways, she loves it too much."

"What are you talking about?" the girl asked as she sat next to (F/N), placing a kiss on her temple.

"Sports teams."

"Ooh how about volleyball? The captain is dreamy." she said tilting her head back with a sigh.

"Which one?" (F/N) asked as she held her girlfriend tighter.


"Appearance wise I won't argue. The volleyball teams have very evenly shaped bodies unlike soccer, where muscle is more visible in the legs, and basketball where it's in the arms. Not that they are not fit in other places, but it's just what gets worked more."

"Once again goalies are exception." (F/N) said.

"Yes they are." the second girl purred as she looked that the soccer team goallies, you smiled and nodded along with her.

"Hey, stop it."

"But the volleyball teams tends to be... A bit cocky." You said.

"Oh dear (Y/N), our parents wouldn't want to hear you say that about your boyfriend."

Turning around is your seat you sighed at the sight of the man in front of you. You pushed you food away from you as you held Your hand to your mouth.

"I think I just lost my appetite."


"Not as rude as you. A coward who couldn't be upfront about his emotions. Why are you here Oikawa? You made if very clear that you didn't want me around."

Oikawa sighed as he sat down in front of you, getting rid of any personal space you thought you had.

"I'm sorry, it was wrong of me and I want to get back together."

His body pushed forward as an arm went around your waist. You could here conversations around you stopped as their attention was pulled away to the display that was taking place.

"I love you."

"Like hell you do."

Twisting your hand around his collar you stood on your seat and lifted Oikawa with you.

"Hey (Y/N)," (F/N) interjected. "What's your thought on the martial arts and wrestling teams?"

You lifted Oikawa higher as you tired your head back to look down on him.

"We don't forgive easily. We are strong and determined. We get our way around problems by taking them by the throat."

Oikawa stuggled And tried to make his feet touch the ground as you lifted him higher and above your head.

"I may have loved you once Oikawa. But you were too ignorant and shallow to be able to accept my affection. Despite my good intentions you decided that breaking my heart was the best option."

You slammed your arm down toward the cafeteria floor making Oikawa drop with a loud smack. You jumped down landing in front of the lean volleyball player. Making sure that you towered over him.

At the moment you where aware of the people and cameras that were pointing and looking in your direction. The soccer team stood behind you and the basketball team stood at your sides. Any other viewer crowded around any where they could get.

The many people that made a circle around you and Oikawa created a large shadow on top of him, making him feel smaller than he already felt.

Nari stood next to you bruised arms and legs on display. She had a hand rented on your waist as you stood next to her arms crossed over your chest.

"Cut the crap Oikawa. Everyone knows you're a hobby horse, You know it for yourself."

Stepping over him you left the cafeteria. Nari's hand on your waist and overall presence making Oikawa freeze in fear. (F/N) followed along, girlfriend and you back in tow. As they walked by they didn't forget to leave a bruise on him arms and legs.

"Hobby Horse."


Hobby Horse is an insult from Shakespeare. Feel free to ask what it means.

Once again. As much as the original request wasn't the same as what I wrote I wanted to make this more empowering for the readers.

My wrist is messed up and I don't know why. My mom thinks it's carpal tunnel. Oh well.

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