Back at you! (One-shot)

Start from the beginning

"I was reading this book I got from Kashitarou. He told me it was a good read, so I gave it a go," he put it up to show Mafu. "Then I found something interesting,"

Mafu gestured for him to go on with only the movement of his brows.

"It's just a challenge, Mafumafu,"

Just a challenge. Really.

Mafu had never been so mad. He loved Soraru's kisses. He couldn't imagine a day without them. Since they started dating, they kissed every day. It was Mafu who gave Soraru morning kisses at first, part of it was because Mafu's mind was still half asleep and he was unsure of what he was doing but kissing Soraru came to priority back then, and frankly, Soraru hated it.

"Go brush your teeth," he'd always say.

But after a while, Soraru would always go to him, hug him by the waist, and kiss him on the lips then whisper "Good morning," to him, as if it was something they needed to do, first thing in the morning. It just came so naturally to the both of them and now they were restricting it to only once per week.

How absurd!

"No, Soraru-san," after giving it a long consideration, Mafu decided to stand his ground.

"It's only for one month-"

"You were even thinking of making it a month long?! Are you a demon?!"

Soraru chuckled. Look, no, he was not going to say yes to that request even if he was being all adorable. There was just no way in heavens-

"How about we make it a week," Soraru put up his forefinger, smiling at him. Why was he so eager to do this anyway?

What if-

"... Do you really hate kissing with me so much...?"

If he said yes to this, Mafu was not sure how he would feel. He'd probably stay holed up in his room for a month, no, make that two.

"No, of course not," Soraru placed the book down and approached Mafu. He held Mafu's face in his hands, making Mafu look up at him. "You are bad at it, but that's probably why I like it so much,"

"... Meanie,"

The more the reason why he should have let Mafu practise kissing on him.

He lowered his head, and planted a chaste kiss on Mafu's lips. His lips stayed longer than usual, and when Mafu felt the warmth left him, he knew it was over.

"One week, starting from now,"

And they never shared another kiss since. 

Things would have gone well if it was every other week.

However, it just so had to be Soraru's birthday on a Friday; and on the week where they both promised that they could only kiss on Saturday, which would be the end of this dumb challenge. What a coincidence. Did Soraru see it coming? He might have, and that was probably why he decided to do this anyway.

Why? Because he probably wanted to tease Mafu, and see how he reacts to this.

"Oh, it's my birthday today?" Soraru picked up his phone to check the calendar for the date and day. He looked back up at Mafu, who was looking kind of upset about it. "It was not intentional,"

"How is this not intentional?!"

"I really thought it was going to fall on a Saturday,"

Mafu reached to the back and grabbed on either sides of his blanket that was draped on his shoulder, and pulled them forward, wrapping himself in it. Soraru was sitting on the couch in the living room, while Mafu was standing in front of him, blocking the TV so that he could have all of Soraru's attention to himself.

Soraru x MafumafuWhere stories live. Discover now