"Then I told him that it's over.. we had a huge argument.. and I found out that he was actually twenty three" I could see her shaking chin and that she was about to fall apart. I didn't want that.. I wasn't sure what I was going to do then because I wasn't that kind of emotionally cheering up person..

"I loved him and a part of me still does.. and after I got to know the truth of his lies my world turned upside down and broke into a billion pieces.." she started sobbing and for the first time I really felt bad for someone.. I felt the urge to hug her..
"I even left my parents, school and friends for him. I know how dumb I am... it's embarrassing.. humiliating.." she continued and looked down again. She covered her face with her hands..

I didn't know what to do. I froze because it seemed so unrelatedly to me. I couldn't believe what people were going through.. especially in silence. It was unbelievable. I mean living all of this in such a young age..

"We had so much fun... forgetting about the real life and living in our own dreamworld... that I forgot about how even salt looks like sugar." she added and I felt like I needed air. I was is disgusted.. by him.. how did he do that... how could somebody do that to anybody'? Especially to a young girl who was easy to convince.. he literally washed her brain.. how could he believe him?

At that point I had enough and when I saw two girls walking by, I screamed "AYE GIVE THAT GIRL A TISH!". Girls always had tissues with them and they knew me like everyone else on this school so there wasn't a problem. They walked towards us and handed her a tissue. After she smiled and thanked them they left and she continued. First she took another deep breath.

"So I wanted to leave him. I wanted to break up with him and go back home.. but he just wouldn't let me go."

She wiped her tears away. "He even locked me in several rooms.. started hurting me.. I was alone. In the darkness, cold, totally hungry and afraid.." she shook her head like she just wanted to forget about it. I felt bad because she had to tell me about it and I didn't stop her.

"Well I somehow escaped and thank god my parents were glad that I was back. They weren't even angry.. they were just thankful because I was back.". My blood was boiling so extremely because of everything that I heard.. I thought I was going to burn or light up like a fire. That was just.. too much. I wanted to find him and beat him up over and over again.

"We moved so he couldn't find me because we knew he was looking for me.. he was chasing me... I didn't want to tell the police and make something huge out of it because it was already embarrassing enough.. now I'm here and he found me again." she sighed like she would really have enough of him.. She still looked very embarrassed..

I hated that. Life was unfair. So much shit was happening to people who actually deserved better.

Trying to imagine and thinking about all the feelings and thoughts she had in these moments, I clenched my fists.. I was breathing heavily.. but when I heard how she was crying and saw how broken and afraid she already was I just stood up, made her stand up and wrapped my arms around her.

For the first time I hugged a girl who I wasn't going to fuck later.. or who I wasn't going to take advantage of.. for the first time I cared about somebodies feelings.. I wanted her to stop crying and realize that it was over.. that she was here and safe now.. even tho I didn't feel anything for her.. I was going to protect her from him and every other guy.. especially because this all finally explained her behavior.

For a second she just froze but then she got tiny in my arms. She leaned her cheek against my chest and tried to disappear. I noticed how she calmed down with every second.. how she started breathing normally again.. how silent she got..

I hated how weak I was for in that moment but I didn't even know that I didn't like seeing girls like her cry.. or specifically her..

Actually I would care but she.. I could see that pain in her eyes and it made me feel completely different about her and some other girls I might have hurt.. I held her so tightly and close that she calmed down completely after a few minutes. She needed that.

"I'm going to be seventeen in four days.. I'm afraid that he'll ruin it.." she whispered..

I couldn't believe myself and what I was feeling in that moment.. but I slowly put my hand on her head.. very carefully and stroke it.

She buried her face in my chest and that felt so different. It felt like someone punched me right Tinto my stomach.. something I've never felt outside of a fight..

"Don't worry.. he won't ruin anything anymore."


I was so pissed and annoyed at everything. I was really aggressive and hurt that I was really close to lose it. My life was filled with bullshit. My life was bullshit. Everything annoyed me me so much that I wasn't sure if I could survive the day without punching somebody..

Sun sat down next to me but I told her to sit down on my lap. Just like I liked it. She was still very shy and innocent but I was going to change that really soon. She was going to be my new hobby. Saying that she wasn't turning me on would be a huge lie..

Knowing that she was still so pure and untouched turned me even a little more on. I was going to be her first. That meant I was going to mean more to her.. so it would hurt more as soon as I would break her heart. It was going to be a dilemma.

To be honest I just needed to fuck someone in that moment and it was definitely going to be her.

So I pulled her extremely close.


He was so mad at something, It was obvious but I didn't know at what. I was too scared to ask him. Seeing him angry made me more nervous than I thought.

I felt his hand between my thighs instead of around my stomach.. right on my private parts..

The goosebumps that I got and the butterflied in my stomach.. almost made me faint..

No one has ever touched me there.. or came close to me like that.. if he would've been someone else, I would've got off him and punched him. I wouldn't be sitting in his lap in first place.. but my whole body didn't want to listen to my mind. I couldn't control myself or do anything about it. I couldn't move.. or speak.. I couldn't even breath..

I looked down and saw the veins on his hands.. that almost made my eyes roll back.. I literally almost died from weakness..

"Is everything alright?" I asked him again with a shaky voice because I needed to do something.. I needed to say something. Otherwise I really would've fainted because of this feeling that I've never felt before.. especially because I couldn't understand why I didn't want it to stop.

I turned my head around to him and he clenched his jaw. His furrowed eyebrows made his face seem so dark.. and scary..

He shook his head so I turned back around. My head was spinning and I needed to concentrate and get myself back together...

It seemed like sitting here like this with me made him stay calm.. and I honestly preferred that instead of seeing his angry face..

"Babe, look at me." he said and I turned around again. He kissed me without any warning.. I shivered and my heart started beating faster and faster.. I couldn't understand what he was doing to me.. I couldn't understand how I could let all of this happen and what was happening with me.. my hands were shaking and I wanted him to keep going..

We started making out and I almost thought I would get a heart attack. I really believed that I was going to die from the feeling he gave me.. but after a while we stopped and I realized that I was breathing heavily. He ran his hand through his hair while I fixed mine.. the way he looked at me was so heated and almost killed me..

We went silent and I didn't want it to be weird even tho it didn't feel weird.. and I could see the he was still pissed. I felt the urge to change that because it really started bothering me.. I kinda cared and I thought that talking about something positive could cheer him up a little bit..

Can't hate you || e.dDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora