"W-what? You're the one that's holding my hand right now! And you're the one who wanted to kiss me!" I said stuttering a little nervous and mad. He was definitely crazy. I freed my hand. "You don't even know me!" ​I added and felt a little braver than before. This was a huge thing for me.

I turned around and wanted to leave in the opposite direction because I was definitely not going to go back to class until I heard his nerve killing laugh.. he pissed me off more than I expected.

"Oh I know you very well.." he starred. I turned back around and looked at him. "Excuse me?"
His mimic changed in less than a second. He wasn't smiling or laughing anymore. He was looking at me with a raised brow and a clenched jaw.. he seemed so scary.. that I questioned my actions. What if he was going to freak out or something?


Of course I wasn't that dumb to say 'yeah, daughter of Elijah and Melissa Dalton, Moon Dalton's sister, president of a lots of clubs, loves playing polo and all that other stuff that stupid, rich girls do..'

No. I really wasn't that dumb. If she would'Ve only know that I already knew everything about her after my father assured me that it was her who we were looking for.


I was shocked about the way he looked.. suddenly so angry.. breathing heavily. Only his look was enough to kill someone. I was sure of that.

He slowly walked towards me with that death stare that terrified me.

"You're one of these pretty barbies. The most popular girl.." his voice was so deep and rough like he was talking to his enemy.. His blue eyes were scaring me so I looked away.
He was coming closer and closer.. as he reached me he made me look at him. He grabbed my face a little tightly and turned my face around to him.

"You live in your pink, glittery dream world with cotton candy as clouds!" his voice was filled with so much hate and a little bit of angry laughter that it irritated me. I couldn't understand what made him so angry. What was his problem and what did he want from me?

I mean I never did anything that bad to him that gave him to right to say these things. He was right. He was right but he said it in a humiliating way. A way that made me feel so embarrassed about it all although there was no need to.. he made it all seem like it was bad..

Then he looked down at me again when only inches were left between us. He was messing with my feelings.

All I wanted to do was get away from him. No one has ever talked to me like this. I felt so uncomfortable around him that I needed to get away from him because otherwise I was going to cry because even his voice made me feel like shit. Every word of his had the power to make me feel like shit.
It was like he had the power and control over me from the first moment on.. and that made me feel very uncomfortable. It all made feel uncomfortable.. It seemed like that was his other side that he was hiding until he was getting annoyed.

"You think you know what real life is... but you don't.. because you still live in your dream world where everything is perfect.."

I wanted him to stop talking because if he was going to continue I was going to cry and my eyes were already wet. Probably because nobody has ever been that mean to me and he was right.

"Stop." my voice came out more broken than I thought. I furrowed my eyebrows and clenched my jaw that was still in his palms. The hate in his eyes was spitting fire.

"You're rich, you're a cheerleader, you're clever and pretty, every boy is running after you."

Was he complementing or offending me? Why was he so angry at me? What made him that angry? Only because I didn't want to kiss him and I wasn't that easy to get? If yes, then he was really, really sensible.. but I knew that there was something else behind it.

"Please just stop." my voice was shaking.
"Why? You can't stand hearing the truth, right?" his harsh voice made me feel even worse.
He was so close that our noses touched. My chest was going up and down more than a rollercoaster. I turned to my right so they our noses wouldn't touch because I couldn't stand being so close to him but he started grinding his nose on my cheek, down to my neck and I got goosebumps again...

I shivered when I felt his hand on my lower waist..
"But baby I promise I won't be one of these boys. You'll be the one who runs after me. You'll be addicted to me. You will do anything for me." he pulled me closer and our bodies touched. That left me breathless but I was still upset.. I was not going to do what he said.. he was never going to get me. Nor me.

When a tear rolled down my cheek I felt so uncomfortable and stupid that I freed myself from him. I wanted to go but he pulled me back just as close as before and I tried to free myself again but he didn't let me go. He was stronger than me..

And suddenly he kissed me.

He pressed his lips against mine

For a second I didn't move but when I realized what was actually happening, I pushed him away immediately. He laughed again in that nerve killing way that was going to make me crazy. I was shaking and breathing heavily. I couldn't realize what just happened..

He was my first kiss.. That douchebag who just hurt my feelings a few seconds ago was my first kiss.. I was so weak... even the fact that he could make me cry so easily.. and that he just kissed me.. made me lose my mind.

It was his second day here and he already confused the shit out of me and made me feel every emotion that existed in me at once. Hate, love, luck, anger, sadness.. and a lot more.

For the first time in my life I felt the butterflies in my stomach.. no matter how much I hated him it just made me feel something... it did something to me.. Why was he doing that?

He was confusing me...

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