I looked up at him with slightly big eyes. I wasn't ready. But at the same time I was. I had been building up to this moment for months, heck, for a year even, but it was still a huge weight on my shoulders. It would be a relief for everyone to know, but it was going to be weird. The fact that I wouldn't have to hide it anymore. "I don't know..." I whispered, truthfully.

"It'll be fine, angel, don't worry too much about it," he whispered, lifting my chin up and shortly pressing his lips on mine. I closed my eyes for a brief second, relishing in the moment of safety and comfort. Of feeling at ease her in his arms. The feeling of reassurance that yes, all would be okay.

"PDA PDA PDA" Korey yelled, after which we quickly pulled apart and all laughed, and we shot him a small apologetic smile. "Nah, as long as you don't start making out of fucking in front of me, it's fine," he continued, and I smiled at him again.

And then it was almost time to leave. We checked everything one last time, to make sure that everything would go online at the exact same moment, that everything would change within a second, that the preorder would go live as soon as the announcement was everywhere you could possibly think of. It made me excited. Yes, really nervous too, but I also got energy out of this. My eyes were glistening and despite the fact that I was shaking when we walked towards the event Tyler and Hannah were going to host- where I would announce TRXYE-, there was a skip in my step.

I was terrified just seeing the stage, just seeing the crowd, and I was thankful for Connor, who hugged me at times and made sure I took some small sips of water. I tried steadying my breathing when Hannah and Tyler went up the stage, but it was no use. I was too excited, because after all, this is what I had been wanting to do forever.

There was adrenaline running through my veins. Adrenaline, excitement and fear all the same time. It was a weird feeling, but I kinda loved it. Was that weird? Because honestly, I was so fucking terrified. I was so terrified nobody would care, that it wouldn't be received well, that the live reaction here wouldn't be as big and good as I hoped it would. There were tears shimmering in my eyes already, though I didn't exactly understand why.

I had been shaking already, but when the video started playing, when everything went live, it became even worse. My heart basically dropped in my stomach at that moment. I tried to form words, but I didn't really manage to. I experienced everything as if in a trance. Walking up to the stage, hearing the screams and the laughs of Tyler and Hannah. All I could think was "oh my god", and I didn't get much further than that. I was vaguely aware of the fact that I was filming everything. The response was huge, and the screaming of the crowd went on for what seemed like hours, even though they probably only screamed for a couple seconds.

I couldn't really fit my head around the fact that this huge thing, this huge secret I had been working on, was now out in the open. That everything happening with it now was pretty much out of my control. I mean, of course I would mention it and promote if a lot, but it wasn't in my power to have people actually preorder it and to then also like it. All I could do was hope they would like it and hope they were going to buy it. That it would be received well by the public.

- at graduation - (A/N: I have no idea how the hell graduation works so just like idk bear with me here and dont hate me when i get something wrong)

The auditorium was packed till the notch, graduating students excitedly chatting with one another, parents taking pictures, some crying, some even more excited than their children. Of course, there were also tons of teachers. Some of them sitting down in the row of to them assigned seats, others lining the wall, and even others talking with the students or their parents. The chatting slowly faded as the principal took his place on the stage in front, gathering the attention.

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