Drawn Together - Chapter 4

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Let's see... He had a fever because he fell asleep with a damp towel on his head and insisted on coming to class anyway. Then he felt really sick even before it started and headed for the infirmary, but he passed out on his way there, and was fortunately helped by someone who happened to be at the corridor he was at.


He was here earlier but not a hint of his silhouette could be seen now. Where did he go? Could he possibly have had a lecture to attend to but because of him, he couldn't? If it really was like that, Mafu would feel really bad, guilty. He perfectly knew how bad it was to skip on a single lecture, or he wouldn't have ended up having to retake the same subject over and over again. Or maybe it was just because he was really bad at it.

Mafu turned and tossed his body on the bed, lying down on his sides now. He took in a deep breath, trying to recap on what had happened before he fell asleep.

He never saw him at the junior department, so he must have been a senior. To think that he troubled a senior into bringing him to the infirmary! Above it all, that senior had to be the one who he had previously kicked in the shin. That senior, with that sleepy look on his face, with a hostile aura around him, actually helped even thought Mafu was all but good to him since their first encounter.

His arms were strong, and his hands were gentle. His voice was cool and smooth, very easy to listen to, soothing even.

And there was also his smile.

That moment when Mafu watched as a smile crept onto his face, curving his lips into the perfect angle as he rubbed Mafu on the head, praising him for finally taking the pills, Mafu was mesmerized by it. He wanted to watch him smile if he had forever, but his facial expression changed really quickly, as if he didn't want anyone to see too much, always hiding.

But he couldn't have a "forever" with him.

Because he could never be his in the first place.

Mafu swallowed.

Not to mention, all he managed to get was his name too. Mafu let out another sigh, an exasperated one this time. He should have asked more about him. He didn't even know why he would suddenly want to know more about a stranger. And strangely enough, the stranger seemed to give him a sense of security.


It felt like ages since he felt safe around people. And it was a really pleasant feeling, if Mafu had to comment on it. His voice, his touch, his very presence, everything about Soraru calmed him, soothing his senses, bringing him a peace at mind, and suddenly, almost as if magically, he had forgotten all about his fever. Funny how it was so hard to breathe, so very suffocating until Soraru came.

He felt better now, of course, with Soraru's attentiveness. He could finally think properly for the first time today.

Mafu turned around to look at the time at the clock hung onto the wall. It was lunch time. No wonder he could hear his stomach growling, indicating that he was hungry. But he didn't have the appetite to have anything at the moment. It was said that, in order for a sick patient to get well soon, they have to eat something for energy. And knowing that he would be scolded by Amatsuki later for pushing himself too much, he wouldn't want to give him another reason to give lectures about the importance of taking care of a body health for an extra hour.

He whimpered as he felt his stomach churn at the thought.

Amatsuki aimed to be a pediatrician. That was why he was strict when it came to a human body. He ought to send Amatsuki a message to at least inform him that he went to the infirmary.

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