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A/n So Stephanie is Allison in photos. Yes I know I'm not actually Allison,for my book my character is Sam's brother so there for Stephanie is Allison in photos. And no hate to Sam's dad but in my story I'm making their dad a bit of a dick... Ben is Kyle in my story. And Sam's the oldest, Stephanie's the middle child and Kyle is the youngest.And I'm not dead I just have writers block. But me and my friend had a bet to see who can stay up past the other person so I figured I should update my book.

Sam's POV
Stephanie and I's our parents are coming to La... Stephanie and Colby were cuddling, I said "Please act like you haven't lost your innocence... And not to Colby.." Stephanie looked down and not at Colby and she said "Sammy.. Colbs..."

Stephanie's POV
I said "Sammy... Colbs... There's something you guys should know... Colby wasn't the first person to take my innocence.... The person who took it was Frank(our dad)......" At this point I was a crying mess. Colby looked at me, with sadness. Sam said "Does mom know?" I answered "No, no one knows besides you and Colby. Kyle doesn't know."

Right then Tyler walked in followed by James and Kyle. Kyle said "What don't I know?" Shit I said in my head. No one said anything.

Sam's POV
What the hell. My younger sister was raped. How could I have been so stupid? There was a knock on our apartment door. Kyle answered the door.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled coming down the stairs. We all said our hellos, and gave hugs and kisses. Colby was holding Stephanie so tight. Tyler came running in.... He ran into something and Stephanie was the only one who went over to him and helped him.

We went out for lunch and we showed them La

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We went out for lunch and we showed them La. My mom and dad got a hotel to stay at.... Colby took the photo..

Frank's POV
I was super super drunk, one night, and things didn't ended well. Kyle had James over for a sleepover and Kyle came down to get snacks. When he was walking back from the kitchen I was going into the kitchen to get another drink, I.... Uhm..... I.... Hit.... Kyle...... I remember him being so scared of me that I gave him $50 just not to tell Jessie. I kept hitting him and that's when Kyle self harmed and attempted suicide, it almost worked if it wasn't for Sam and Stephanie.

The one time Sam and I were having a discussion about what happens when your balls drop. And he said "What if my balls don't drop, will I be stuck with a high pitched voice?" He started crying. When I hugged him, I uhm kinda of chugged a beer...

The one flashback that I remember vividly is the one where I rapped Stephanie.  That day she came home, and started doing her homework. That day was a little bit more hot so she wore a lower top, I was already drunk, I had a stressful few days. She told me she was going to her room. I came in her room, and I yelled at her that she was a cunt,bitch,shithead. I called her whatever I wanted to.... She screamed. I took off my belt, then got undressed and ripped her clothes off of her. I put myself into her. After that I left and went to sleep with my wife. That's when my daughter started self harming.

I'm such an asshole parent. I hit James because he's gay. I raped my own daughter. I get drunk and say stupid shit I mean. Why the hell is Jessie still with me? I mean I'm probably why she drinks, and used to smoke.

Sam's POV
"Mom," I said. She answered with concern, "Yeah Sam?" I asked trying to hold back tears "Why are you still with that asshole?" She said "Samuel John Golbach, don't fucking swear in front of me. And yes I'm still with your asshole father because I love him, I always will. He's done nothing wrong so shut the hell up!" I yelled to my defence "Mom he did do something! He raped Stephanie! He's hit Kyle. What the hell don't you get?? Mom leave his fucking ass. I don't want to see you get hurt! I'm sorry if I care about you, unlike you! I can't believe your still with that fucking dickwad, I'm done!" My mom said "Samuel John Golbach go to your fucking room right now! Frank would never do that to anyone!" I yelled "He fucking would and he fucking has!" I went up to my room. Shit Stephanie,Colby,Kyle,James all heard...... Thank god Tyler was asleep.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now