Reliving that day

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Stephanie's POV
I went home... god I wish I didn't go home. My parents were home Jessie and Frank. They came for a surprise visit. My father was drunk... I got in his way and I got hit even more. I ran up to my room and that's when it hit me like a fuck ton of bricks...

It was that day all over again. No it can't be. I feel like I'm drowning. Somebody help me!

I was already crying from getting hit.. Why does he have to be there..

"Stop!!" I kept yelling stop. He didn't hear me. Next thing I know his belt and his pants were on the floor. 

I wish Sam and Colby weren't out filming.  I could hear my own mother drunkenly laughing as she just and watched him. I looked around for my phone and I spotted it. I quickly grabbed it and called 911. I kept screaming no and go away. By the time the cops came it was too late... He had raped me again...  

After him and his wife were gone, I ran into the bathroom and scrubbed really hard in the shower. There was no way I could feel clean. I was in the shower when Sam and Colby came home... I heard Colby yell "Baby I'm home." I just stood in the shower just letting the water run over my body. I didn't respond to Colby and I think that just made him worried. I knew if I didn't answer he'd tried to get into the bathroom so I locked the door. which I think scared the kid even more. 

Colby's POV

When Sam and I came home, I could smell the scent of sex. I don't think Stephanie would cheat on me. I knew that James and Kyle weren't home same as Tyler. Of course I had every bad thing running through my head. I heard the water running and my heart just stopped as I didn't hear a response when I said "Baby I'm home." I ran upstairs to try to get into the bathroom and of fucking course the fucking door was locked.  

I heard the water turn off and I was able to breathe again. I was down stairs with Sam editing our video that we just finished filming.  Normally Stephanie would just come down after her shower but she didn't. 

Stephanie's  POV 

After my shower I got dressed and crawled onto my bed. I grabbed my teddy bear that Colby gave me and held it to my chest as tight as I possibly could. I started to cry. I cried and cried into that teddy bear. Sam texted me: 

Sam: Hey, I know you're editing your video but Colby and I made dinner, I put some in the fridge for you. If you're hungry, just put in the microwave for about 2-4 minutes. 

Stephanie: Thanks but I'm not hungry...

I was wearing a hoodie and I had to get water... Meaning I have to go down stairs where Sam and Colby were... I just put my hood up so they wouldn't know I've been crying.  When I got down stairs Sam had to say something to me. Sam said "Hey Steph. You coming to eat dinner?" I couldn't look at him so I just said "No I'm just getting water. And then I'm going back to editing my video." You could hear my voice creak knowing I was about to cry... I felt bad for Sam and Colby because they really wanted me to eat but at this moment I can't. I'm just too ashamed... I ran back upstairs and continued to cry. 

Sam's POV 

I knew something was wrong with my sister. She told me she'd start eating again because of what happened with her best friend... She didn't seem herself tonight. She didn't say hi to her boyfriend at all. I texted her "Is everything alright?" I didn't get a response. When she came downstairs you could tell that she was crying... When she answered my question you could tell her voice cracked like she was going to cry.  

I knew our parents came to visit but I didn't know Steph would be home. Oh my fucking god I know what's wrong... Frank raped her again......... My god I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. 

I turned to Colby who had headphones on so he couldn't hear me when I called his name so I smacked his arm hard on the arm. He took off his headphones and said "What the fuck Sam? Is the house on fire? Did our channels get deleted??" I said "Sorry Colby I called your name four times. No the house isn't on fire and no our channels didn't get deleted. It's about Stephanie..." 

His face was just like oh fuck what happened. I said "You know how Jessie and Frank were here?" He said "Samuel don't tell me..." I said while not making eye contact with Colby "Frank rapped her again... She's in your room cuddling a teddy bear and crying..." Colby looked at me and said "Sam you may have to bail my ass out of jail when I find that son of a bitch, he will be a dead mother fucker. I swear to god if he touches Stephanie again I will watch him burn in hell." 

I thought in my head "When Colby gets like this he's insanely hot." Yes I still like Colby Brock. 

Colby went up to comfort Stephanie. They both ended up falling asleep over the blankets, so being a good best friend and brother I am. I tucked them both into bed. I then went to sleep myself. Stephanie told us what happened the first and second time Frank rapped her..  

A lot of Stephanie's fans were asking if she's okay and she said yes and that she's making a video explaining her depression and self harm stories. I feel bad she shouldn't have to make a video of her personal problems.. 

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now