The Night We Started To Get Haunted

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Colby's POV

My girlfriend and I were having a small argument about Sam and I leaving for the filming of season one for our channel, but she didn't know that I talked to Sam and asked him if Stephanie could come along as his new girlfriend Rosie was coming too. Rosie was new to our group.

Rosie and Stephanie can help out Sam and I a lot because Stephanie can hear and talk with the spirits and sometimes she can even see them, and she can tell if it's good or bad energy. Rosie can sense if something or someone is near her.

I said "Babe we will be fine, stop worrying." Stephanie said to me (more liked yelled) "Colby you could get an attachment. You don't know what you're messing with in these places. I didn't even want you going to Sallie's House." I then just looked at her and could see she was about to cry and just pulled her into a hug. I said while rubbing her back trying to calm her down. "I know we don't. That's why you are coming with us."

She didn't say anything, she kind of just hugged me tighter. I said "Babe if you hug me any tighter I might pop" emphasising the second p. She looked up at me and did her little giggle and said "Oops" I just looked down at her and stared at her beauty and just grabbed her face and kissed her.

Stephanie and I were just packing our suitcases to get ready to fly to Canada. It was going to be really good.

Sam's POV

Colby had asked me if Stephanie could come with us to film our seasons. As much as I love my sister I really didn't want her coming along, because she could get hurt again. And I don't think I can allow myself to have her go through that experience again. When I was thinking about my answer to Colby he said "Sam you're girlfriend is coming along so why can't mine" When he said that I forgot I had already asked if Rosie could come along. I said "Well I can't say no now so yeah."

I had invited Rosie for dinner. Colby likes her which is good because he's my best friend and I don't need his approval for my girlfriends but it's always good to know that your best friend likes who you are dating. Because I'll be honest I don't think he liked Kat...

Stephanie just has to get to know Rosie a bit more than I think she'll like her. And I was right over dinner the two girls bonded.

After dinner Stephanie poured herself a glass of wine but half of it was sparkling water, she poured one for Rosie too. I kind of looked over at Rosie because she shouldn't be drinking right now. We aren't pregnant however we are trying for one. She said "One's not going to hurt" I just grabbed two juices from the fridge and rolled my eyes.

I walked back to Colby and handed him a juice and opened my own and said to Colby "Okay real talk, are you and Stephanie pregnant?" He looked at me with pure shock and said "Uh not that I'm aware of, why what's up?"

I said "uhm nothing she's just having a glass of wine with Rosie" He gave me "really Sam she's allowed to have a drink" I said "I know Colby. You didn't have to say anything, I can read that look you just gave me."

A few days later

Stephanie's POV

The four of us were on the plane going to Canada. Rosie was excited to see her home town again, She's from Toronto Ontario. I'm excited to see the haunted places because I was reading that in some places the entity or spirit can get physical with people. I mean we all saw what happened to me in Saratoga County Homestead Hospital in Middle Grave New York. I got thrown to the ground twice and caught physical evidence on camera. I brought my cameras this time so we can have multiple cameras and angles on us at all times.

I was in the same row as Colby, due to covid we weren't allowed to sit next to someone else so there was an empty seat between Colby and I, which sucks but I guess it's alright.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now