Last Prank or So We Thought.

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Stephanie's POV

I talked into my camera that Sam got me as a gift, because I was always using his or Colby's camera.

So as all you know how Sam pulled a prank on me, but bad idea for him because I'm head to head with Elton and Colby. Sam pulled a cheating prank, Gillian which is his girlfriend and also is my best friend so I'll put the link to the video where I freak the fuck out in the D-Bar. But as you all know the winner gets to go to Hawaii,but Colby said he wouldn't go unless I go with him. Little does Sam know that I have the very last prank of this prank war. Who knows I might just announce another prank war I don't know. So I teamed up with a lot of people to pull this crazy prank.  With that being said I'll see you when all of the people are here. 

So as the last prank of the war I want to prank my brother Sam. Me, Colby, Aaron, Devyn, Corey, Elton, Amanda, Gillian, Brennen and a few of my other friends Brett, Jake are helping me pull off this prank. So the other day I went to the store and bought a shit ton of fake blood and I'm going to be doing the suicide prank on my brother. Sam, Elton, Amanda and Gillian are going to go on a fake double date. Aaron, Brennen, Devyn and Corey are sadly leaving us to go the fair so they won't be able to help us. So that leads Brett, Jake and Colby to help me pull of this insane prank. While Amanda, Elton and Sam and Gillian are on the double date they will be stalling Sam until I call him. #TeamStephanie and #TeamColby. Sorry Sam.

The set up 

Brett and I set up the blood on the floor. Jake was going to the throw the chair. Colby can't do much because of his knee. I set up my camera. I am also using Sam's camera, his camera was set up on the stairs so all you guys can see from the stairs. I made it look so real. I said "Make sure your phones are off as soon as you here Elton's car. He's going to come in and that's when Jake will throw the chair, and run up to my bathroom. Brett as soon as the chair hits the ground run and grab it and put in a room and then go back to sit with Colby" I picked up my phone and put in Sam's number and hit call. 

The phone call

Me faking crying and acting all sad. "S-Sammy?"  I called him Sammy to make it seem more believable, because I call him Sammy when there is something wrong with me.

"Yeah what's up?" 

"W-When will you be h-home?"


"B-B-Because I-I-I n-need y-you." 


He kept blowing up Colby's phone, but for the prank he didn't answer.

We both hung up the phone and I heard Elton's car. And him and Amanda went to his room so they could cuddle #Goals. Jake threw the chair and Brett came running to grab it, I lied down on the floor. Colby and Brett went into the YouTube room and started to film a video, obviously that video is fake.  Colby has my phone and everyone's phones are "Dead" (Off) 

The prank

Sam and Gillian came through the back door because Sam didn't have his keys. Little did Sam know that Gillian has his keys. I screamed and closed my eyes. Sam and Gillian came running into the main hallway. Gillian has to hold Sam back. Sam said "Oh shit, holy shit."  He came running towards me and he shook me so damm hard. "Stephanie can you hear me?" Sam asked. I didn't respond. "Someone call 911. I don't have my phone on me" I groaned a bit and Sam said "Stephanie. Say your name if you can hear me, I'm about to call the cops!" I closed my hand to look like I was just moving. Colby comes into the hallway along with Brett and they see me. Sam asked again  "Stephanie Golbach say your name if you can hear me." Colby said "Dude what the fuck happened?" Sam said "Stephanie are you okay?" I said as I got up "Yeah dude I'm fine" "This is a prank Sam. This is for making me think you cheated on Gillian. Oh yeah she was in on this prank." I said to Sam. Sam said "Stephanie I hate you for doing that to me."  "Sorry :)"  See you guys next week. Peace. I turned my camera off.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now