Valentine's Day Disaster

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This Valentine's Day goes horribly wrong for a lot of people. What will happen?

James's POV
Today was the day I was going to ask Kyle to marry me. Tyler is crawling now. So he's going to have the box. Sam, Colby and Stephanie were in my plan. They will be filming it.

Kyle came home really angry. I don't know why. I was on one knee with Tyler leaning against my knee. Sam,Colby and Stephanie were filming it. "Kyle"  I said. I felt like he was going to say a swear word so I quickly put my hands over his ears. Kyle said "What the actual fuck do you want?" I said "Too marry you. Kyle Matthew Golbach will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me. Tyler open the box." Tyler opened the box. The box and it showed the ring I bought him. His response was "No! Hell no! Fucking hell I'd marry you. I don't care if you love me. I don't love you! We are done! And I'm moving out. Tyler is the reason this happened. You pay more attention to that little shit than me. You didn't even see I was upset for the past 6 weeks. You didn't even see that I self harmed." I started to cry and he ran into Sam's room and the door slammed shut. I picked up Tyler and held and rocked him. Sam and Stephanie went into Sam's room. Colby was trying to calm me down. Tyler was screaming his head off so I put his hand on my nose and he slowly began to calm down and fall asleep. Once Tyler was sound asleep Colby still was trying to get me to calm down, it wasn't really working. This has too be the worst Valentine's Day ever.

Colby's POV
Sam was on his way home. He was giving Gillian her gift. Sam walked in on me. "Sam what the hell?" I said. Sam said "Colby come here." I walked over to him and he closed my bedroom door and hugged me tight. I was crying. I just found out that my sister is dead. She killed herself. I didn't even fucking know I had a sister. I wish she would have talked to someone. Her boyfriend freaking called me a told me. Her name was Alice Roxy Brock. 1984-2017. I called my parents . My mom put the phone on speaker so my dad could hear.
Colby: Why did you think it was okay not to tell me I had a sister. You could've told me 19 fucking years ago. And now my sister that I never knew existed is dead. She killed herself. How could you not tell me. That's kinda of important.
Dad: Cole Robert Brock watch you're language young man!
Mom: Colby we didn't tell you because I didn't give birth to her. You're father had a kid before him and I got married and had you and Gage.
Colby: Wow! So what you are saying is that dad fucked another girl and knocked her up and I had a sister. Which you could have told me before I was fucking 20 years old. And I find out by her boyfriend. Her boyfriend called me and told me that is she dead, not you guys. I fucking hate the name Cole. It doesn't even fit in. Just like me. I know you love Gage more than me. (I mumbled the last part).
Dad: Cole Robert Brock stop with this attitude. Don't make me ground you for swearing in front of your parents God dam it Cole.
Dad: God dam it Cole do something in your life. This social media thing isn't going to work out. I'm surprised you haven't "knocked up" Stephanie yet.
Mom: I'm so sorry sweetie
Colby: Good fucking bye!
I hung up my phone and threw it so hard that it broke into pieces. Sam ran into my room and saw me crying and the looked at the floor where my shattered phone was. He walked over to me and hugged me. I pushed him off of me. I said "Sam just go fuck Gillian and well you're at it take Stephanie too I'm sure she'd love to have a threesome." Sam said "Colby I heard the phone conversation. I'm here for you." "Thanks" I mumbled.

Stephanie came into our room. She said cheerfully "Hey babe! Happy Valentine's Day!" I answered with "Yeah you too. But not happy Valentine's Day. It's been a shit show." She looked over at the floor where my phone was smashed into pieces. "Colby why?" Is all I heard.

Kyle's POV
I was so pissed off when I came home. James proposed to me and I said this "No! Hell no! Fucking hell I'd marry you. I don't care if you love me. I don't love you! We are done! And I'm moving out. Tyler is the reason this happened. You pay more attention to that little shit than me. You didn't even see I was upset for the past 6 weeks. You didn't even see that I self harmed." I'm such an asshole for swearing in front of Tyler. I hope James asks me again because I really want to marry him. I was just in a bad mood.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now