Car crash

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Logan's POV
Steph and I were dating. I went to a strip club with Stephanie. She was going to drive me home.

We went through the night making out and I wanted to do something more.... I could feel my skinny jeans tighten..  I wasn't drunk. Neither was Stephanie.

As the night went on, I wanted to leave, so I got Stephanie and we left. We were now in my car, going home. As we were on the highway this car was driving on the wrong side of the fucking road. That car hit us. The car turned around completely, I had lost control, and the car that hit us, hit us dead on.... I looked over at Stephanie and she didn't look to good.... 

Stephanie's POV
I went to the bar with Logan, bad mistake. We were leaving the bar. We were blasting music and driving home on the highway, it was pretty quiet, but that's when I saw it. A set of headlights driving toward us. What the hell. Then that's when I feel something. The car crashed into us. I felt the car turn, I could see Logan trying to get control of the wheel but he couldn't. I screamed for my life. My life flashed before my eyes. I started to feel so much pain, my eyes were slightly closing, but I tried so hard to keep my eyes open.

Logan kissed me and I said "I love Colby not you!" That was the last few words before everything went back. Next thing I knew I was hooked up to so many machines. I could hear a very loud beeping sound. They had removed all my jewellery, and my bracelets.....  I tried to sit up but I couldn't.

Once I finally woke up I was rudely greeted by some many nurses asking me all these questions. I'm like what the hell I just wake up. I heard them say "Is there anybody here for Stephanie Golboch?" I assume Brennen,Elton,Corey,Devyn, Sam,Gillian, Colby,Nik,Amanda and Sierra were there. Colby walked in alone. "Hey Steph....." Colby I knew it was him. I shot up as soon as I heard his voice. "Colby. I want a hug." He hugged me for the longest time and then he looked in my eyes, his eyes were the sky blue I love. I kissed him. After Sam signed the papers I got to go home. I had broke my knee..... And I also broke 2 or 3 of my ribs.

Elton's POV
When we got to go see Stephanie I saw something that broke my heart, she has scars from self harm, and they were deep too. Why? Amanda saw that I keep looking at Stephanie's wrists and then to hers. If you can't tell Amanda is my girlfriend.

After Stephanie was released she went home with Colby. I was in the car with Amanda. "Hey babe... Have you ever self harmed?" She didn't say anything and she shook her head yes... Why the hell do people like breaking my heart today?

Colby's POV
I finally have my girl back! I love Stephanie so fucking much. I was upset... Sam knew...
I was in Sam's room editing our Sam and Colby video, when he said, "Colby we need to talk." No. "About?" I asked. Sam said "I know you just got back together until Stephanie, but." I said "Sam what are you trying to say? Sam just spit it out." He took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry I can't help it, I am in love with you Colby Brock!" What? Oh no, I'm stuck in a love triangle more like square or whatever the hell I am in. Sam loves me and Gillian, Brennen loves me and Sierra, Stephanie loves me. I obviously love Stephanie, but I also love Brennen and Sam. Ugh I hate this.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now